McComb from thence to Br Carloss Smiths this was
over a rough road of 25 miles & I truly suffered mu
ch this day it seemed as though I should shake to peaces in
the waggon with a heavy fever upon me I spent the night in
company with Br Taylor at Br Carloss Smith's {shorthand} 35 [miles]
~ Saturday
10th I commenced taking a box of Sappington's Anti-
fever pills which are so highly recommended for the ague
& fever as I do not wish to carry the desease any further
with me. I attended meeting in the grove Elder Taylor
Preached & I followed him & although I was weak in body
yet the Lord strengthened me spent the night with Carlos
~ Sunday
11th Sunday this is my day to be sick with the ague &
fever according to its usual course but blessed be the Lord I
have esscaped it this day. I have taken 14 of the sappington
pills & they have cured me intirely of the ague to all app
earance. I attended meeting in the grove & herd a discourse
from Elders J Tailor, C. Smith & S. Smith & communed with the
Saints & inasmuch as we were without purs & scrip they con
tributed to our necessities to the amount of $9. One Mr Miller
offered himself for baptism after meeting I rode to McComb fro
m thence to Father John Coltrin's & spent the night was
weak & feeble with the exercises of the day. Distance 14 miles
McComb from thence to Br Carloss Smiths this was
over a rough road of 25 miles & I truly suffered mu
ch this day it seemed as though I should shake to peaces in
the waggon with a heavy fever upon me I spent the night in
company with Br Taylor at Br Carloss Smiths {shorthand} 35
~ Saturday
10th I commenced taking a box of Sappington's Anti
fever pills which are so highly recommended for the ague
& fever as I do not wish to carry the disease any further
with me. I attended meeting in the grove Elder Taylor
Preached & I followed him & although I was weak in body
yet the Lord strengthened me spent the night with Carlos
~ Sunday
11th Sunday this is my day to be sick with the ague &
fever according to its usual course but blessed be the Lord I
have esscaped it this day. I have taken 14 of the sappington
pills & they have cured me intirely of the ague to all app
earance. I attended meeting in the grove & herd a discourse
from Elders J TailorC. Smith & S. Smith & communed with the
Saints & inasmuch as we were without purs & scrip, they con
tributed to our necessities to the amount of $9. One Mr Miller
offered himself for baptism after meeting I rode to McComb fro
m thence to Father John Coltrin's & spent the night was
weak & feeble with the exercises of the day. Distance 14 miles
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