^5th^ [from page 18 of "An explanation of the Masonic Plate; showing the emblems of each degree from the entered apprentice to the Royal Arch or Five Orders of Masonry" by John Harris published in Bristol, England in 1839.] Erected in the wilderness near was to
worship the true & living God in, after Delivering the Israelites
from according to the commandments of God
this was the first place erected to form a Mason's Lodge &
as Grand Master as his deputy & &
his grand wardens; [Exodus 31:1-7] it was erected due east & west, and was
one hundred & fifty feet in length, & one hundred & five in
breadth consisting of th[r]ee divisions, or rooms, to represent
the th[r]ee churches of God on Earth, under the Mosaic dispensation
it was here Moses was visited by the priest, to whom
he had been indebted under the dispensation of Heaven
for the clear & perfect knowledge of our sScience which
appears to have been preserved in a most extraordinary
manner by some distinguished individual, even
in nations degraded by indolatrous practices, [Exodus 18] and the ark
was borne along with the Tabernacle, [Exodus 25:10-16] with two rods of gGold
with two Cherubs on the top, & extends from end to end &
it contained a square box called the Tabernacle of
the Law, the the ^gold^ cup, that held the
manna, the figure fire of Incense, the Tweleve Twelve Rods
that was to scourge all that erred from the true, &
Rod that buddeth; & this small Tabernacle was made
of Shittim Wood & cased with pure gold &c
Erected in the wilderness near Mount Sinai
worship the true & living God in, after Delivering was to the Israelites
from according to the commandments of God
this was the first place erected to form a Mason's Lodge &
as Grand Master as his deputy & &
his grand wardens Exodus 32; it was erected due east & west, and was
one hundred & fifty feet in length & one hundred & five in
breadth consisting of three divisions, or, rooms, to represent
the three churchs of God on Earth, under the Mosaic dimention
it was here Moses was visited by the priest to whom
he had been indebted under the dispensation of Heaven
for the clear & perfect knowledge of any science which
appears to have been preserved in a most extraivetonary
manner by some distinguished individual ever
in nations degraded by indolutions practices, and the ark
was borne along with the Tabernacle, with two rods of gold
with two cherubs on the top, & extends from end to end &
it contained a square box called the Tabernacle of
the same, the Ten Commandments the gold cup, that held the
manna, the fire of incense, the Twelve rods
that was to scourge all that erred from the true, &
rod that buddeth; & this small Tabernacle was made
of Shittum Wood & cased with pine got & e