^6th^ 5 The representation of Rod, that he displayed his signs
before , & his Magicians, &c. in the Court of . [Exodus 7]
5th The representations of the Arch resting on the chap[i]ters & it
denotes the rainbow. 5 Ark floating near to
Noah remained in the Ark 12 months and
10 days. he left it on the summit of a mountain in
, called Ararat, & the creatures in it were soon
dispensed over the Earth. 5 The representation of Noah & his
family; the first act of Noah after his escape from the general
destruction of all created flesh, was an act of gratitude
& detvotion devotion to his great preserver; He erected an altar
& offered a burnt offering of evry clean beast & fowl; Here God
covenanted with Noah, that he would no more destroy the
earth with water & placed a rainbow in the clouds as a token,
which was to remain as a perpetual memento of his most
gracious promise; Noah remained in the Ark while the waters
inundated the world for the space of six months, at the
expiration of which time the Ark, rested on Ararat; after rema-
ining about three months in that situation, Noah sent
out a raven that never returned afterwards, then he sent out
the dove that he might ascertain whether the waters had subsided
this Bird vary soon returned to the Ark, unable from the
prevalence of the waters to find a place of rest, at the end of
seven days he sent forth a dove a second time, which returned to
the Ark with an olive leaf in her mouth, as a token of peace &
reconciliation with God, [Genesis 8] & the olive branch has been adopted
5 The representation of rod, that he displayed his signs
before , & his Magicians, &c. in the Court of . Exodus 7
5 The representations of the Arch resting on the ciaphers & it
solender the rainbow. 5 Ark floating near to
Noah remained in the Ark 12 months and
10 days. he left it on the summit of a mountain in
, called Ararat, & the creatures in it were soon
dispensed over the Earth. 5 The representation of Noah & his
family; the first act of Noah after his escape from the general
destruction of all created flesh, was an act of gratitude
& devotion to his great preserver; He erected an altar
& offered a burnt offering of every clean beast & fowl; The God
covenanted with Noah, that he would no more destroy the
earth with water & placed a rainbow in the clouds as a token
which was to remain as a perpetual memento of his most
gracious promise; Noah remained in the Ark while the waters
inundated the world for the space of six months, at the
expiration of which time the Ark, rested on Ararat; after remaining about three months in that situation. Noah sent
out a raven that never returned afterwards, then he sent out
the dove that he might ascertain whether the waters had subsided
this Bird very soon returned to the Ark, unable from the
prevalence of the waters to find a place of rest, at the end of
seven days he sent forth a dove a second time, which returned to
the Ark with an olive leaf in her mouth, as a token of peace &
reconciliation with God, Genesis 8 & the olive branch has been adopted