^12th^ 5. The two spies who were [illegible] returned from
the land , bearing on their sho^u^lders by a pole,
the produce of the land; such as grapes &c. [Numbers 14:6-10]
5. The Brazen
Serpent in the Wilderness, erected on a crop, or pole, A man
pointing to it with his rod, a number of people viewing
it & some of them in the act of prayer; it was to damn
them from the wou[n]ds inflicted by the serpent in travelling
through the wilderness for their disobedience & murmuring,
&c. [Numbers 21:7-9]
5. A mMan represented on a hill, as spieying with a
glass at shipping; it was to represent vessels
returning from & with gold, silver, &
precious stones for the , making for the port
of ; & from thence they wer conveyed by land carriage
to for the service of the Temple, that was to
be built by King Solomon. [Kings 10:10-27]
5. visited by the
Angels as he sate by ^at^ his tent door; his wife, on
a smile, has been (unpercieved) listening to their conversation
bringing him the tidings of a son by his wife, which was
to be named ; also of the destruction of the city
of : Genesis 18 about this time. & family
quitted. and his disobeying the commands of her
Maker was turned into a pillar of salt. [Genesis 19]
5. Here is the representation of sold to the ,
by his Eleven Brether[en], & there taken down to
& sold as a slave to , 1 captain of one of
guards. [Genesis 37] 5. represented as slaying a Egyptian by his
sword, which was expossed to wrath [Exodus 2:11-15]
see 13 pge
5. The two spies who were concecrated return from
the land Canaan, bearing on their shoulders by a pole,
the produce of the land; such as grapes & c. Numbers 14:6-10
5. The Brazen
Serpent in the Wilderness, erected on a crop, or pole, A man
pointing to it with his rod, a number of people viewing
it & some of them is the act of prayer; it was to damn
them from the wounds inflicted by the serpent in travelling
through the wilderness for their disobedience & murmuring,
&c. Numbers 21:7-9
5. A Man represented on a hill, as spying with a
glass at shipping; it was to represent vessels
returning from Tarhish & Ophir with gold, silver, &
precious stones for the Temple, making for the post
of Joppa; & from thence they wer conveyed by land carriage
to for the service of the Temple, that was to
be built by King Solomon. Kings 10:10-27
5. visited by the
Angels as he sate at his ten door; his wife, on
a smile, has been (unpercieved) listening to their conversation
bringing him the tidings of a son by his wife, which was
to be named ; also of the destruction of the City
of Sodon & Gamorrah:Genesis 18 about this time. Lot & family
quitted.—and his wife disobeying the commands of her
Maker was turned into a pillar of salt. Genesis 19
5. Here is the representation of sold to the Ishmelites,
by his Eleven Brother, & there taken closer to
& sold as a slave to , 1 captain of one of
guards. Genesis 37
5. represents or slaying a Egyptian by his
sword which was expend to pharaoh wrath Exodus 2:11-15