15th but above all, this rod metamorphozed, was a type of
Christ's death, to which indeed all Masonry, ultimately points;
as by a serpent, Death came into the world—so by the
death of the Son of God, the serpent or Satan, was fully
vanquished & trodden under foot.
5. lifting up
the serpent—Thus Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilder-
ness, that as many as looked on it, might be healed of
the wounds, inflicted by firery serpents, for their disobedient
murmurings, Numbers 21:5-9 & the death of Christ f upon the cross thus
typipheied, was to deli[v]er us from sin & Death, & to give a
full satis faction & attonement for the sins of all mankind;
Moses took possesing of possession of this rod in the land
of , & after had explained all the particulars
relative to its preservation from the time of ,
& it was directed by the Allmighty to be used as the
apparent agent of all his miracles, it was changed into
a serpent th[r]ee different times, first at Exodus 4:2-5 again
in the land of before the congregation of the Elders,
& lastly in the court of . Exodus 7:8-13 To give Moses a
further assurance of his power & protection, God commanded
him to put his hand into his bosom, which by
that simple act, contracted a supernatural leprosy;
he repented the second time, but soon became sound
& healthy as the others; Exodus 4:6-9 next a small quantity
but above all, this rod metamorphized, was a type of
Christ's death, to which indeed all Masonry, ultimately points;
as by a serpent, Death came into the world—so by the
death of the Son of God, the serpent or Satan, was fully
vanquished & trodden under foot.
5. lifting up
the serpent.—Thus Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, that as many as looked on it, might be healed of
the wounds, inflicted by firery serpents, for their disobedient
murmurings, Numbers 21:5-9 & the death of Christ upon the cross thus
typiphied, was to deliver us from sin & Death, & to give a
full satisfaction & attonement for the sins of all mankind;
Moses took possession of this rod in the land
of Midian, & after had explained all the posturetay posterity
relatives to its movemention from the time of ,
& it was directed by the Almighty to be used as the
apparent agent of all his miracles. it was changed into
a serpent three different times, first at Exodus 4:2-5 again
in the land of Goshan before the congregation of the Elders,
& lastly in the Court of . Exodus 7:8-13 To give Moses a
further assurance of his power & protection, God commanded
him to put his hand into his bosom, which by
that simple act, contracted a supernatural leprosy;
he repeated the second time, but soon became sound
& healthy as the other; Exodus 4:6-9 next a small quantity