16th of water was changed into Blood at the word of God; Exodus 7:17-25
the the asstonishment of was somewhat allayed,
& his faith confirmed, by the assur^a^nce that he should
perform the same, & greater miracles in the land of
, to Induce to set his captive Brothers
at liberty; as a concluding confirmation of his
mission, Moses required to knows in whose mane [name]
he was to demand the de liberation of the Israelites,
and the Almighty consdescended to reveal to him that
awful name which made the pillars of the East tremble,
this tremendious word is [blank] or [blank] or [blank] a construction
of [blank] a tremendious contest ensued between Moses as
the agent of the true God, & the Magicans as the agents of
the Egyptian Gods. Moses arrived with that powerful rod
what was permitted to take from the tree of
Knowledge, & which was the acknowledged testimony
of his Diven [Divine] commissio[n], wrote in the presence of
pharaoh & his court at Taris; an extraordinary miracle
as a proof that his appeal to the gGod of Israel was
not to be slited slited ^slighted^ with impunity; this rod was
cast by upon the ground & it immediately became
a serpent, twing twining itself in folds to the consternation
of the whole cCourt, Amenophis called for & 2 Timothy 3:
his magicians, who under took to perform the same miracle
but the serpent of Moses displayed his superiority, by devouring the serpents of the
Magicians &c.
of water was changed into Blood at the word of God; Exodus 7:17-25
the asstonishment of was somewhat alleged,
& his faith confirmed, by the assumer that he should
perform the same, & operates miracels in the land of
to induce to set his captive Brether
at liberty; as a concluding confirmation of his
mission, Moses required to move in whose many
he was to demand the liberation of the Israelites,
and the Almighty consderached to reveal to him that
awful name which made the pillars of the East tremble,
this tremendious word is—or—or—a construction
of —a tremendious context ensued between Moses as
the agent of the true God, & the Magicans as the agents of
the Egyptian Gods, Moses arrived with that powerful rod
what was permitted to take from the tree of
knowledge, & which was the acknowledged testimony
of his Diven cominussion Diveine Commission, wrote in the presence of
pharaoh & his court at Taris; an extraordinary minute
as a proof that his appeal to theGod of Israel was not to be slighted with impurity; this rod was
eust by upon the ground & it immediately became
a serpent, twining itself in folds to the combination
of the wholeCourt, Amenophis called for & 2 Timothy 3:
his magicians, role under took to perform the same miracle
but the serpent of Moses displayed his superiority, by devouring the serpents of the Magicians &c.