14th built by the th[r]ee Grand Masters before the flood; where was
discovered many things, represented on this Masonic plate,
with the th[r]ee Grand Master's names, which can be found
in scripture; Exodus 32 (by those who konow it) it was discovered in the
year of the world 2939, and 480, years after the children of
came out of , &c. A further allusion to the rod
—the transformation of rod into a serpent had
refference to events of the greatest importance to man, as our
first parents were beguiled by the devil, in the form of a serpent
so that miraculous rod, which had its origins in the & is supposed by the Jewish Rabbis, to have been one
of the ten things created on the evening of the first
Sabbath & was changed into a serpent as a sign, to
confirm the promise of Delivering a select portion of
their restraints from Egyptian Bondage. This rod also
referded to the mighty work about to be accomplished in
Egypt; for as the rod of Moses's government was fearful
as the attack of a serpent to the Egyptians, so it was a
s[c]epter of righteousness to the children of Israel. wIt was
called the rod of God, & used by in Egypt & Moses
in the wilderness. It was a sign of the Divine Author-
ity, & a visible demonstration of Gods power;
used to confound the pretended skill of the Magicians
the^is^ show the oOmnipitence of the Deity, & to humble the
pride of when he beheld the mighty wonders rwrought
by so apparently contemptable an agent as a shephard's staff,
built by the three Grand Masters before the flood; where was
discovered many things, represented on this Masonic plate,
with the three Grand Master's names, which can be found
in scripture; Exodus 32 (by those who know it) it was discovered in the
year of the world 2939, and 480, years after the children of
came out of , &c A further illusion to the rod
—the transformation of rod into a serpent had
reference to events of the opeabrt importance to man, as our
first parents were beguiled by the devil, in the form of a serpent
so that miraculous rod, which had its origins in the Garden
of Eden & is supposed by the Jewish Rabbis, to have been one
of the ten things created. on the evening of the first
Sabbath & was changed into a serpent as a sign, to
confirm the promise of Delivering a select portion of
their restraints from Egyptian Bondage. This rod also
refered to the mighty work about to be accomplished in
Egypt; for as the rod of Mosess government was fearful
as the attack of a serpent to the Egyptians, so it was a
scepter of righteousness to the children of Israel. It was
called the rod of God, & used by in Egypt & Moses
in the wilderness. It was a sign of the Divine Authority, & a visible demonstration of Gods power;
used to confound the pretended skill of the Magicians
this show the Omnipitence of the Deity, & to humble the
pride of when he beheld the mighty wonders wrought
by so apparently contemptible on agent as a Shephard's Staff,