^7th^ as a symbal of peace, by every nation under the Sun
when seven days were again expired he sent forth the Dove a third
time, which returned to him no more &c. & the length of
Ark was three hundred cubits, the breadth fifty & the hight thirty cubits
th[r]ee stories in height & lightened by one window in the upper story,
and built of gopher & cedar wood &c. [Genesis 6] 5th The representation of the
censor where the High priest burnt Incens in the Tabernacle to
the honour & praise of the great.
5 The representation of the coffin that contained bones as
he made the children of Israel sware before his death, that they
should bear his bones to the , &c. [Joshua 24:29-32]
5 The Table that contained bread & Wine for the Hight Priest &c
5 The representation of St , bearing the Keys of the
or Sanctum Sanctorum
5th The two Globes of the chapiters represents the two Globes of Earth
and Heaven, & points out Masonry to be universal, they were
thus placed by the express direction of in preference
to the remarkable pillar of a cloud & of fire, which proved a
light & guide to the Israelites in their miraculous escape from
the Egyptian bondage; & covered with darkness to the Egyptians
proved their destruction in the . [Exodus 14]
5th The representation of that Brilliant Star Prudence that is
elevated in st such a station that evry Mason's eye may
be upon it, to extend his heart, & influence his actions, that his
conscience may never condemn him for exceding the bounds
which prudence prescribes, & that he may always be animated
with the cheering reflections of his unqualified approbation,
as the starry zone of prudence like the broad & spangled stars ecliptic
as a symbol of peace by every nations under the sun
when seven days were again explored he sent forth the Dove a third
time, which returned to him no more &c & the length of
Ark was three hundred cubits, the breadth fifty & the height thirty cubits
three stories in weight & lightened by one window in the upper story.
and built of gopher & cedar wood & c. Genesis 6 5th The representation of the
Censor where the High Priest burnt greens in the Tabernacle to
the honour & praise of the great—.
5 The representations of the coffins that contained bones as
he made the Children of move before his death, that they
should bear his bones to the promised land, &c. Joshua 24:29-32
5 The representation of St bearing the Keys of the Holy of Holies
or Salvetion Sanctorum
5th The two globes of the elapitens represents the two globes of Earth
and Heaven & panels out Masonry to be universal, they were
this placed by the express directions of in preference
to the remarkable pillars of a cloud & of fire which proved an
light & guide to the Israelites in their miraculous escape from
the Egyptian bondage; & covered with darkness to the Egyptians
proved their destruction in the . Exodus 14
5th The representation of the Brilliant Star Prudence that is
elevated in such a station that every Mason's eye may
be upon it to extend his heart & influence his actions, that his
conscience may never condemn him for exceding the touchs
which prudence prescribes, & that he may always be animated
with the clearing reflections of his unqualified approbation,
as the Starry zone of prudence like the broad & spangled ecliptic