Nov 11th Monday I opened my store of goods this morning
at the House of Brother Baylis was to give $24 dollars
per month for the same. we had considereble company
to day to trade
~ Tuesday
12 Spent the day in the store
~ Wednesday to ~ Thursday
13th & 14th Spent the time in the store. Father Woodruff
went with Ezra Clark to day to find His oxen He is
74 years of Age this 14th day of Nov & will walk home
with His oxen in a day about 20 miles
~ Friday
15th I spent the time choreing & at the store
~ Saturday
16th I spent the time in the store
~ Sunday
17th I Attended meeting in the TabernacleG. A. Smith preached
A funeral sermon much to the edifycation of the congregation
~ Monday to ~ Saturday
18 to 23rd I spent the week mostly in the store
~ Sunday
24th Sunday I attended meeting President Young Addressed
the meeting in An interesting manner much to our edifycati[on]
said even those who were keeping the celestial law had their imper-
fections were found in a fault Here & there yet they would pray
to God Angels & men that they were willing to sacrafize all things
for the sake of the kingdom of God He exhorted all men to
do right as they would wish to be done by for the saints would judge
the world
29th I went into the mill creek kcanyon in company with Br Bess I went onto the mountains & cut timber & slid it down
the mountain loaded one Horse waggon who took it home. we
spent the night at Brother Porters at the upper Mill
~ Saturday
30th I went into the Kaniyon with Brother Bess we climed the
mountains & worked in 3 feet of snow & cut 120 post &
150 poles & slid them down the mountain 1/4 of a mile drew them
a quarter of a mile & slid them down another bench I had
water in my Boots & suffered all day we spent the night at
Brother porters
2nd The legislature of the State of Deserett met in session
this day. I spent the day at home
~ Tuesday
3rd I laboured at Home to day
~ Wednesday
4th I attended the legislature to day Herd many interesting
remarks from Gov B. Young. He requested me to meet with
them As He wished me to Become a member of the
~ Monday
Nov 11th Monday I opened my store of goods this morning
at the House of Brother Baylis was to give $24 dollars
per month for the same. we had considereble company
to day to trade
~ Tuesday
12 Spent the day in the store
~ Wednesday to ~ Thursday
13th & 14th Spent the time in the store, Father Woodruff
went with Ezra Clark to day to find his oxen He is
74 years of age this 14th day of Nov & will walk home
with his oxen in a day about 20 miles
~ Friday
15th I spent the time choreing & at the store
~ Saturday
16th I spent the time in the store
~ Sunday
17th I attended meeting in the TabernacleG. A. Smith preached
a funeral sermon much to the edifycation of the congregation
~ Monday to ~ Saturday
18 to 23rd I spent the week mostly in the store
~ Sunday
24th Sunday I attended meeting President Young addressed
the meeting in an interesting manner much to our edifycation
said even those who were keeping the celestial law had their imperfections were found in a fault here & there yet they would pray
to God Angels & men that they were willing to sacrafize all things
for the sake of the kingdom of God He exhorted all men to
do right as they would wish to be done by for the saints would judge
the world
~ Monday to ~ Thursday
25, 26, 27 & 28 My time was spent about Home
~ Friday
29canyon in company with Br
Bess I went onto the mountains & cut timber & slid it down
the mountain loaded one horse waggon who took it home we
spent the night at Brother Porters at the upper Mill
~ Saturday
30th I went into the Kaniyon with Brother Bess we climed the
mountains & worked in 3 feet of snow & cut 120 post &
150 poles & slid them down the mountain 1/4 of a mile drew them
a quarter of a mile & slid them down another bench I had
water in my boots & suffered all day we spent the night at
Brother Porters
~ Sunday
Dec 1st I walked home 20 miles
~ Monday
2nd The legislature of the State of Deserett met in session
this day. I spent the day at home
~ Tuesday
3rd I laboured at home to day
~ Wednesday
4th I attended the legislature to day herd many interesting
remarks from Gov B. Young He requested me to meet with
them as he wished me to become a member of the
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," November 11, 1850 - December 4, 1850, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 20, 2025,