that could assist He said Brother Brigham Young
was at the Head & his councellors were inspired of
the Holy Ghost I select for my councellors Brigham
Young & Heber C Kimball. Then Brother kimball
& W Richardslaid Hands upon Bishop Hunters
Head & Blessed him in the following words ^& H C K^
^said^ O God the Eternal Father I Ask in the name of Jesus
Christ while we lay our hands upon thy^e^ head
^of thy servant^ that all our words may be dictaited b[y] the Holy spirit
while we set apart Brother Hunter as a presiding Bishop
we here by set you apart to be a presiding Bishop
& to be a Judge in Israel we Bless you with the
spirit of your office & calling you shall have wisdom
to Judge between good & evil in all things & to be
a great Benefit to the House of Israel & that they
may uphold thee by their faith that thou mayest
administer in in faith & righteousness & be a great
Blessing to the people & administer to the poor & nedy
thou shalt have desernment like the lightning to bdetect it
evil & those who seek to deceive & that all may receive
thy teachings & that thy work may work together for the
good of all the people even so Amen
Brother Truman Angel was Nominated to continue
in his offic as Architect for the Church was carried
Brother Kimball said to Brother Brigham
you shall be blessed & all your House & not one of them
shall be lost & no man shall get Betwen me
& Brother Brigham & Brothe Richards & no
man or woman shall get between the Twelve
& Presidency if they do they will get pinched
& any man or woman that tries to get between
us will be darnemned they tried to prejudice Joseph
against us in his day & they will be damned
The Twelve are the best men that live and any
man that tries to put their feet upon their neck
will get the feet of the Twelve upon their neck
(Brother Brigham came in at this time) do as Br
Brigham tells you & all will be right & you will
not have sorrow follow my council & you will
not have sorrow. If my own family would take
my council & had faith in me I would never have
a doctor in my family but I have doctors here
that I have faith in but let me send for a doctor
& they have faith in him & not in me then what
for them am I. Brother Brigham said that is
true & worthy of note it is natural for a man to
be always borrowing trouble but we have trouble enough
without Borrowing. If you are not one you are not
mine saith the Lord [Doctrine and Covenants 38:27] but if you abide in me you will
bring forth fruit to the glory of God [John 15:5] when we
learn this lesson our sorrows will scease when we
get the cloak off we shall be in heaven In this
that could assist He said Brother Brigham Young
was at the Head & his councellors were inspired of
the Holy Ghost I select for my councellors Brigham
Young & Heber C Kimball. Then Brother Kimball
& W Richards laid Hands upon Bishop Hunters
Head & blessed him in the following words
O God the Eternal Father I ask in the name of Jesus
Christ while we lay our hands upon thy head
that all our words may be dictaited by the Holy spirit
while we set apart Brother Hunter as a presiding Bishop
we here by set you apart to be a presiding Bishop
& to be a Judge in Israel we bless you with the
spirit of your Office & calling you shall have wisdom
to Judge between good & Evil in all things & to be
a great Benefit to the House of Israel & that they
may uphold thee by their faith that thou mayest
administer in in faith & righteousness & be a great
blessing to the people & administer to the poor & nedy
thou shalt have desernment like the lightning to detect it
evil & those who seek to deceive & that all may receive
thy teachings & that thy work may work together for the
good of all the people even so Amen
Brother Truman Angel was Nominated to continue
in his office of Architect for the Church was carried
[FIGURE] Brother Kimball said to Brother Brigham
you shall be blessed & all your House & not one of them
shall be lost & no man shall get betwen me
& Brother Brigham & Brothe Richards & no
man or woman shall get between the Twelve
& Presidency if they do they will get pinched
& any man or woman that tries to get between
us will be damned they tried to prejudice Joseph
against us in his day & they will be damned
The Twelve are the best men that live and any
man that tries to put their feet upon their neck
will get the feet of the Twelve upon their neck
(Brother Brigham came in at this time) do as Br
Brigham tells you & all will be right & you will
not have sorrow follow my council & you will
not have sorrow. If my own family would take
my council & had faith in me I would never have
a doctor in my family but I have doctors here
that I have faith in but let me send for a doctor
& they have faith in him & not in me then what
for them am I. Brother Brigham said that is
true & worthy of note it is natural for a man to
be always borrowing trouble but we have trouble enough
without borrowing. If you are not one you are not
mine saith the Lord but if you abide in me you will
bring forth fruit to the glory of God when we
learn this lesson our sorrows will scease when we
get the cloak off we shall be in heaven In this
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," April 11, 1852, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 7, 2025,