Day in the Life

Apr 11, 1852

Journal Entry

April 11, 1852 ~ Sunday

Sunday Morning April 11th After singing & prayer Broth
Kimball Addressed the meeting & said the spirit of God
would make a humbly man handsome I do not place
my affections upon any thing but God & Jesus Christ
you ought to love Brother Brigham enough to keep his
commandments so with my family if they love
me they will keep my commandmts if you nwant to
be a friend to Brother Brigham & his counsellors live
Holy before God & do right & if you will do what you know
you will do right do by your neighbor as you would wish
him to do unto you [Luke 6:31] Some men wantetod to get women
from their husbands who are dead & get them
sealed to them such would rob the dead this is
wrong let me do for the dead what they cannot
do for themselves & this is right & the dead will plead
for that man to be blessed. Never take a course a
course to rob the dead I will have time to redeem
all my dead friends either in time or Eternity
the Malinium will be spent in the Temples of the Lord
in Redeeming our dead if my Friends will not receive
my testimony I will let them alone & when they
have been in Hell long enough I will go & Redeem
them I will take a course to get tohe Blees Blessing upon
my seed that Adam had upon his seed Joseph Had it
& I have it if my children sin they will have i to
Repent of & pay for it but will be saved in the end.
we should not go to law with each other all that
will not go to Law say I all said I, I would as
lieves be damned without a man as to be damned
with a man that would steal a dead mans wife for
He will be damned any how. I will say that Broth
Hunter is the chief Bishop & He has a right to
chose his two counsellors Bishop Hunter arose
& made some remarks & said He should choose men

that could assist He said Brother Brigham Young
was at the Head & his councellors were inspired of
the Holy Ghost I select for my councellors Brigham
Young & Heber C Kimball. Then Brother kimball
& W Richards laid Hands upon Bishop Hunters
Head & Blessed him in the following words ^& H C K^
^said^ O God the Eternal Father I Ask in the name of Jesus
Christ while we lay our hands upon thy^e^ head
^of thy servant^ that all our words may be dictaited b[y] the Holy spirit
while we set apart Brother Hunter as a presiding Bishop
we here by set you apart to be a presiding Bishop
& to be a Judge in Israel we Bless you with the
spirit of your office & calling you shall have wisdom
to Judge between good & evil in all things & to be
a great Benefit to the House of Israel & that they
may uphold thee by their faith that thou mayest
administer in in faith & righteousness & be a great
Blessing to the people & administer to the poor & nedy
thou shalt have desernment like the lightning to bdetect it
evil & those who seek to deceive & that all may receive
thy teachings & that thy work may work together for the
good of all the people even so Amen

Brother Truman Angel was Nominated to continue
in his offic as Architect for the Church was carried

A single key with teeth to the right Brother Kimball said to Brother Brigham
you shall be blessed & all your House & not one of them
shall be lost & no man shall get Betwen me
& Brother Brigham & Brothe Richards & no
man or woman shall get between the Twelve
& Presidency if they do they will get pinched
& any man or woman that tries to get between
us will be darnemned they tried to prejudice Joseph
against us in his day & they will be damned

The Twelve are the best men that live and any
man that tries to put their feet upon their neck
will get the feet of the Twelve upon their neck
(Brother Brigham came in at this time) do as Br
Brigham tells you & all will be right & you will
not have sorrow follow my council & you will
not have sorrow. If my own family would take
my council & had faith in me I would never have
a doctor in my family but I have doctors here
that I have faith in but let me send for a doctor
& they have faith in him & not in me then what
for them am I. Brother Brigham said that is
true & worthy of note it is natural for a man to
be always borrowing trouble but we have trouble enough
without Borrowing. If you are not one you are not
mine saith the Lord [Doctrine and Covenants 38:27] but if you abide in me you will
bring forth fruit to the glory of God [John 15:5] when we
learn this lesson our sorrows will scease when we
get the cloak off we shall be in heaven In this

House is my Heaven for I am in a heavenly place
with Holy men & Angels The Bishop with Brothe Hunter
are good men. Seth Taft was Appointed a travelling
Bishop others were spoken off as travelling Bishops
I have been talking about the union in the world their
would be a petition between the different Branches
but in the kingdom of God it is not so but they are
all united. If I hier a man to work I want him
to be faithful in all things evry man should earn all
they can & labour all they are able to do & not over labour
I believe a man should be paid according to what they
earn as God Rewards men according to their works
The old Lions neck is out of the yoke & they will not
put it on again for Brother Brigham shall whip
them out & they shall not whip him out nor me nor
my Brethren. you shall be Blessed & the Earth shall
bring forth for your good & your shlall be blessed in
your posterity And I say it in the name of Jesus Christ
Brother Brigham said it was a prophesy & was true

Conference was Adjurned untill the special confernce
in August


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

296 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3466 mentions
Apostle, Family
Kimball, Heber Chase
14 Jun 1801 - 22 Jun 1868
1463 mentions
Smith, Joseph (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844
Richards, Willard
24 Jun 1804 - 11 Mar 1854
541 mentions

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Discourse 1852-04-11
W Woodruff {I} feel {we have} [h]ad one {of the} most interest{ing} conferences ever experienced {we have} rec[eive]d {the} most sublime truths. {it} appe[a]rs {that so much} much int. {has been} poured {out} {that all are} full {we have} recd. many new truths {which will} amply {pay us for the time we have} spent here. {we have} had addresses {from the} Drs. {and} lawyers {and I} bel[ieve] {that if} Jesus [h]ad {been here} {he} w[ould]d. {have} blessed them instead {of} wo unto {you} lawyer {and} Drs. {I} feel {they will} rece[ive] {a} bless{ing} instead {of a} curs{ing} {I} hope {they will be} carr[ied] {out} {and then [illegible shorthand] to} O Cowdery {if you} labor {all the} d[ay]s {of your} life {and} bring one soul {in} then {how} great {will be the} rej[oicin]g {of that man in the} K[ingdo]m {of} H[eave]n. [Doctrine and Covenants 18:15] {the} El {of} Is now {see the} fruits {of their} labors. {all the} faithful El[ders] rej[oice] {in} see[ing] {the} fruits {of} our labors. {there is a} consol[atio]n {in it it is} worth labor[ing] toil[ing] {and} struggling {for} {the} bless{ings we have} enjoyed this conf. amply repa[y] {a man for} com[ing] across {the} plains {I} w[oul]d {to God the} ppl [k]new {the} prin[ciples] {of the} gospe[l] {[there was/they are so]} 1000 {of the} inhabitants {has come as we [illegible shorthand]} {how} w[oul]d {the} 40,000 S[ain]ts {in} England rej[oice] {to} hear {the} truths {of} this conf. {we have} accomplished {the} journey {they have} got {it to} perform {the Lord has} raised {up} this ppl {and has} given {you the} honor {to} perform this work {for our} heavenly Far. {The Lord is} angry {with the} nations {of the} E[arth] {how} does {he} feel when {he} sees {men} made {in the} image {of God and they} pollutn {on their} lips {all the time. you have} got {to} contend {for the} truths {and if} death stares {you in the} face walk {up} like {a man and} face {it is a} burlesk {to see we are the} despised L D S. {they} secretly {in their} hearts honor {the} ppl {though they} ma[y] spill {their} blood la[y] them prostrate {in the} E[arth] {the} Sts {of God are the} best ppl {on the} E[arth] {I} feel every {man has} encourage {to} labor {it is a} cou[n]sel {to them [illegible shorthand] the} prin[ciples] given this conf. {are} important {and if we} improve them {we shall have a} crown {of} glory {and} etl life {I} can bear test {that} this work {is} true {and the} B {of} M {was} given {by} inspr {from God and that} Josh {was a} prot {he} died {died a} martyr {and they have} not {out} done {with} them {they} certainly {will} judge {the} gen[eratio]n {in which they} live {they will} stand {as} witnesses ag[ain]st {them} then {all} loved {him} who {were} acquainted {with him I} bear test also {that} our Presdt {is a} Prot Seer {and} Rev[elato]r {and he will} cont[inue] {to be with} them let us follo our leaders {and I have no} fear {of} our Salv {[at] and} blessed {the} ppl
Autobiography Volume 2 circa 1865
Sunday the th. On the last day after an address from Heber C. Kimball who remarked that Bishop Hunter was chief Bishop and had the right to choose his two councillors the Presiding Bishop arose and said he should choose men who could assist. Brigham Young was at the head and his councillors were inspired of the Holy Ghost. "I select for my councillors Brigham Young and Heber C. Kimball." Then Brother Heber C. Kimball and Willard Richards laid hands upon Bishop Hunter's head and blessed him and said ^H C Kimball said^ "O God the Eternal Father I ask in the name of Jesus Christ while we lay our hands upon thy head ^the head of thy servant^ that all our words may be dictated by the Holy Ghost while we set apart brother Hunter as a presiding Bishop. We hereby set you apart to be a presiding Bishop and to be a judge in Israel. We bless you with the spirit of your office and calling. You shall have wisdom to judge between good and evil in all things and to be a great benefit to the house of Israel and that they may uphold thee by their faith that thou mayest administer in faith and righteousness and be a great blessing to the people and administer to the poor and needy Thou shalt have discernment like the lightning to detect the evil and those who seek to deceive and that all may receive thy teachings and thy work may work together for the good of all the people: even so Amen." ^Of^ To Brother Brigham Young Heber C. Kimball


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Apr 11, 1852