House is my Heaven for I am in a heavenly place
with Holy men & Angels The Bishop with Brothe Hunter
are good men. Seth Taft was Appointed a travelling
Bishop others were spoken off as travelling Bishops
I have been talking about the union in the world their
would be a petition between the different Branches
but in the kingdom of God it is not so but they are
all united. If I hier a man to work I want him
to be faithful in all things evry man should earn all
they can & labour all they are able to do & not over labour
I believe a man should be paid according to what they
earn as God Rewards men according to their works
The old Lions neck is out of the yoke & they will not
put it on again for Brother Brigham shall whip
them out & they shall not whip him out nor me nor
my Brethren. you shall be Blessed & the Earth shall
bring forth for your good & your shlall be blessed in
your posterity And I say it in the name of Jesus Christ
Brother Brigham said it was a prophesy & was true
Conference was Adjurned untill the special confernce
in August
~ Monday to ~ Friday
From this conference till Friday Apriail 23rd I
spent the time at home doing my spring work & prepar
ing to go on our Journey to the South on this day April 23rd
I left the city of the great Salt Lake & rode to dry creek in Utah through a snow storm & spent the night in company
with Brother Nobles on the Bank of the creek 30 miles
The object of this Journey was to accompany the presidency
to visit the southern settlements & explore as far as we had
an opportunity
~ Saturday
24th we rodeHeld a meeting rode to Hobble Creek went
forth in the dance with the Saints in that place distance of the day 25 mls
~ Sunday
25 Sunday we held a meeting at the school House the
people were Addressed by O pratt was followed By B Young H. C. Kimball much good instruction was given at the
close of the meeting we rode to Potetenete & camped
for the night 12 miles
~ Monday
26th we rode to salt creek & spent the night & president Young Preached to the people in the school House
28th Wednesday we rode to Manti City & spent the day
we held a meeting with the people I reported the sermon
we had a hard rainy night distance 10 miles
~ Thursday
29th A rainy morning we spent the day in manti city
we held a meeting & the spirit of God was with him
~ Friday
30th We left manti city this morning & rode to sanpete
creek & nooned we then rode to a small stream &
House is my Heaven for I am in a heavenly place
with Holy men & Angels The Bishop with Brothe Hunter
are good men. Seth Taft was appointed a travelling
Bishop others were spoken off as travelling Bishops
I have been talking about the union in the world their
would be a patition between the different Branches
but in the kingdom of God it is not so but they are
all united. If I hier a man to work I want him
to be faithf in all things evry man should earn all
they can & labour all they are able to do & not over labour
I believe a man should be paid according to what they
earn as God rewards men according to their works
The old Lions neck is out of the yoke & they will not
put it on again for Brother Brigham shall whip
them out & they shall not whip him out nor me nor
my Brethren. you shall be blessed & the Earth shall
bring forth for your good & your shall be blessed in
your posterity And I say it in the name of Jesus Christ
Brother Brigham said it was a prophesy & was true
Conference was Adjurned untill the special confenc
in August
~ Monday to ~ Friday
From this conference till Friday Aprail 23rd I
spent the time at home doing my spring work & prepar
ing to go on our Journey to the South On this day April 23rd
I left the City of the great Salt Lake & rode to dry creek in
Utah through a snow storm & spent the night in company
with Brother Nobles on the Bank of the creek 30 miles
The object of this Journey was to accompany the presidency
to visit the Southern settlements & explore as far as we had
an opportunity
~ Saturday
24th we rode to Hobble Creek went
forth in the dance with the saints in that place distance of the day 25 mls
~ Sunday
25 Sunday we held a meeting at the school House the
people were addressed by O pratt was followed by B YoungH. C. Kimball much good instruction was given at the
close of the meeting we rode to Potetencte & camped
for the night 12 miles
~ Monday
26th we rode to salt creek & spent the night & president
Young Preached to the people in the school House
28th Wednesday we rode to Manti City & spent the day
we held a meeting with the people I reported the sermon
we had a hard rainy night distance 10 miles
~ Thursday
29th A rainy morning we spent the day in manti City
we held a meeting & the spirit of God was with him
~ Friday
30th We left manti City this morning & rode to sanpete
creek & nooned we then rode to a small stream &
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," April 11, 1852 - April 30, 1852, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 7, 2025,