16th Elder A. P. Rockwood read A Letter to me directed
to Br Joseph Young containing A list of charges
against Br Allexander Badlam, which I considerd
And Believed them to be fals in both spirit & letter in to to
got up through Private Peak A Prejudice Against
Br Badlam. I told Br Rockwood in substance the same
And Pointed out to Br Rockwood whare I Believed
it was false. He said He would read it to Br Badlam
Before He sent it
~ Wednesday
^^ 17th I recieved two letters from Br Thomas Cartwright
of New York And wrote two letters one to W. I. Appleby
& one to Joseph Henderson of Salem. Elders Rockwood And Badlam were At my house this day And Br Rockwood read
to me And Br Badlam the letter which He read to me yester-
day, containing charges against Br Badlam He denyed the
charges in toto said they were fals & not true And pointed
out wharein. Br Rockwood herd the explaination And was
convinced He was wrong that it was not wisdom to send
such A document And He said He would leave out those
item out of the letter
19th Was Also unwell to day. Brs A. P. Rockwood & A Badlam
called At my house this day And settelled their Affairs in
A friendly manner. Brother Rockwood Appeared satisfyed
that the Accusations which He brought against Br Badlam
were from A fals representation And not in truth And they
parted in friendship
~ Saturday
20th Brother A. P. Rockwood left for the west to day I
was quite unwell yet in company with Br Badlam I rode
to Salem & spent the night with Br Joseph Henderson 29
Union Street I was vary sick at night with teeth Ake cold
And Ague in the face did not sleep at All, during the night
so I had A plenty of time for meditation And among the
subjects before me I reflected upon A Mission that one of the
Presidents of the Seventies presented to the Eastern Branches while
on his mission east to collect funds for building A Seventies
Hall in the valley. why was the mission not signed by Pres-
ident Brigham Young if it was right for such A mission
to be taken, or was it got up to Assist the individual in
person more than to build the Seventies Hall. I think it
right And safe to present All missions And Business of import
Ance Before the President of the Church, when they can
be got at. 20 miles
~ Sunday
21st Sunday I was still sick through the day my face dBadly
swollen yet I spoke 1 1/2 hours to A small company of the Saints
And spent the night with some English Brethren, but it
was Another severe night of paine And affliction I did not
sleep at all. I Arose early my face so swollen that I could
scarcely see out of my eyes I had not eaten but little since
I left home. I took the first train of cars with Br Badlam
~ Tuesday
16th Elder A. P. Rockwood read a Letter to me directed
to Br Joseph Young containing a list of charges
against Br Allexander Badlam, which I considerd
and Believed them to be fals in both spirit & letter in to to
got up through Private Peak a Prejudice against
Br Badlam. I told Br Rockwood in substance the same
and Pointed out to Br Rockwood whare I believed
it was false. He said he would read it to Br Badlam
before he sent it
~ Wednesday
[FIGURE] 17th [FIGURE] I recieved two letters from Br Thomas Cartwright
of New York and wrote two letters one to W. I. Appleby
& one to Joseph Henderson of Salem. Elders Rockwood and
Badlam were at my house this day and Br Rockwood read
to me and Br Badlam the letter which he read to me yesterday, containing charges against Br Badlam He denyed the
charges in toto said they were fals & not true and pointed
out wharein. Br Rockwood herd the explaination and was
convinced he was wrong that it was not wisdom to send
such a document and he said he would leave out those
item out of the letter
~ Thursday
18th Was quite unwell with the teeth Ake
~ Friday
19th Was also unwell to day. Brs A. P. Rockwood & A Badlam
called at my house this day and settelled their affairs in
a friendly manner, Brother Rockwood appeared satisfyed
that the accusations which he brought against Br Badlam
were from a fals representation and not in truth and they
parted in friendship
~ Saturday
20th Brother A. P. Rockwood left for the west to day I
was quite unwell yet in company with Br Badlam I rode
to Salem & spent the night with Br Joseph Henderson 29
Union Street. I was vary sick at night with teeth ake cold
and ague in the face did not sleep at all, during the night
so I had a plenty of time for meditation and among the
subjects before me I reflected upon a Mission that one of the
Presidents of the Seventies presented to the Eastern Branches while
on his mission East to collect funds for building a Seventies
Hall in the valley, why was the mission not signed by President Brigham Young if it was right for such a mission
to be taken, or was it got up to assist the individual in
person more than to build the Seventies Hall, I think it
right and safe to present all missions and business of import
ance before the President of the Church, when they can
be got at 20 miles
~ Sunday
swollen yet I spoke 1 1/2 hours to a small company of the Saints
and spent the night with some English Brethren, but it
was another severe night of paine and affliction I did not
sleep at all. I arose early my face so swollen that I could
scarcely see out of my eyes I had not eaten but little since
I left home, I took the first train of cars with Br Badlam
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," January 16, 1849 - January 21, 1849, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 7, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/wpxg