9th I recieved 3 Letters from O. SpencerDan Jones & W. I.
Appleby And one from Robert Windley All contained good news
Capt Dan Jones expresses his feelings in warm terms concerning my
letters to him And says he feels incouraged to go ahead in the name
of the Lord says he has raised up a Branch at Myrtha the Mother
Branch of Britain, over 800 members. And the sum total He
had raised up in that country was represented at the general
conference at Manchester England Aug 14th 1848 amounting to
2747 member. The whole representation at this general confer
ence of EnglandScotland & Wales was 17902 members 350
branches, 929 Elders 1185 Priest, 608 Teachers 341 Deacons Added
since Mary 31, 1846, 8467. Elder Orson Pratt is now President
of the Churches in the British Isles And herd the Above representa
tion. Elder Jones Adds I have published in the welch language
48 different kinds And size of pamphlets comprising more
original matter than the Book of Mormon Doctrins & Covenants
& voice of warning, And have circulated one million eight
hundred thousand of pages all of which preach night And
Day to rich & poor the eternal truths of Mormonism And
cheer the Honest Harted, many learned And some very noted
men have embraced the work I have been enabled to subdue my
foes many of the gifts of the spirit are manifest. one young
man who had been Deef & Dumb 8 years was healed when
coming up out of the waters of Baptism so he both herd
And spake was ordained to the Priesthood And is now pre-
aching the gospel with success. Capt Jones is Adding 150 per month
Elder Spencer writes many good things his is much better says
the work is rolling forth in much power I have been of late
stiring up the Saints to pay their tithing I have visited many
of the conferences for this purpose I feel incouraged to Believe
I shall gather A good sum for the Temple. their Are 4 persons
expecting to come in possession of large sums of money before I
go to America from them I expect to get several thousand pounds
As tithing to gladden the hearts of the Saints in the valley. the Addition
to the Churches continue to be great the emigration falls much short
of the increase. their may be 1500 Saints emigrate this season but
what is that Among so many. O Pratt thinks it would take 300
ships to carry the british saints at the present time. the hopes
of the wicked Are perishing while looking for better times And ind-
ividuals And Nations both feel like grasping all they can get hold
of either by fair or foul means. ThePapelCrown has At length
fallen. It looks As though the Beastly power of Mobocracy spoken
of in Revelations was likely to destroy the dominion of the Mother
of Abominations spedily [Revelation 17] The Emperor of Austria has Adbdicated
And the King of Prussia has called A constitutional govemt
But the Saints wax vary bold And utter their tesstimony with As much assurance in the Holy Ghost. it is truly delightful to
see them pushing sectarian churches And Demolishing human
creeds As so much hay & stubble the weak are becoming strong
And the Gentiles marvel. You would be asstonished to see the
issue of Books Stars And tracts from the Star office. evry fortne
ight the issue of Stars has doubled since I took charge in
[18]47. And All other works in equal ratio. The tide of truth
Rolls irrisistably through the land. there will soon be some
vary efficient Preachers in the French Nation from these parts
we Also have A HINDO in this country that speakes more than
~ Tuesday
9th [FIGURE] I recieved 3 Letters from O. SpencerDan Jones & W. I.
Appleby And one from Robert Windley All contained good news
capt Dan Jones expresses his feelings in warm terms concerning my
letters to him And says he feels incouraged to go ahead in the name
of the Lord says he has raised up a Branch at Myrtha the Mother
Branch of Britain, over 800 members. And the sum total He
had raised up in that country was represented at the general
conference of Manchester England Aug 14th 1848 amounting to
2747 member. The whole representation at this general confer
ence of EnglandScotland & Wales was 17902 members 350
branches, 929 Elders 1185 Priest, 608 Teachers 341 Deacons Added
since May 31, 1846, 8467. Elder Orson Pratt is now President
of the Churches in the British Isles and herd the Above reppesenta
tion. Elder Jones Adds I have published in the welch language
48 different kinds And size of pamphlets comprising more
original matter than the Book of MormonDoctrins & Covenants
& voice of warning, And have circulated one million eight
hundred thousand of Pages all of which preach night And
Day to rich & poor the eternal truths of Mormonism And
cheer the Honest Harted, many learned And some very noted
men have Embraced the work. I have been Enabled to subdue my
foes many of the gifts of the spirit are manifest. one young
man who had been Deef & Dumb 8 years was healed when
coming up out of the waters of Baptism so he both herd
And spake was ordained to the Priesthood And is now preaching the gospel with success. Capt Jones is Adding 150 per month
Elder Spencer writes many good things his is much better says
the work is rolling forth in much Power I have been of late
stiring up the saints to pay their tithing I have visited many
of the conferences for this purpose I feel incouraged to Believe
I shall gather a good sum for the Temple. their Are 4 persons
Expecting to come in possession of large sums of money before I
go to America from them I expect to get several thousand pounds
As tithing to gladden the hearts of the saints in the valley. the Addition
to the Churches continue to be great the Emigration falls much short
of the increase. their may be 1500 saints Emigrate this season but
what is that among so many. O. Pratt thinks it would take 300
ships to carry the British saints at the present time, the hopes
of the wicked Are perishing while looking for better times And individuals And Nations both feel like grasping all they can get hold
of Either by fair or foul means. ThePapelCrown has At length
fallen. It looks As though the Beastly power of Mobocracy spoken
of in Revelations was likely to destroy the dominion of the Mother
of Abominations spedily. The Emperor of Austria has Abdicated
and the King of Prussia has called A constitutional government
but the Saints wax vary bold And utter their testimony with
much assurance in the Holy Ghost. it is truly delightful to
see them pushing sectarian churches And Demolishing human
creeds as so much hay & stubble, the weak are becoming strong
and the Gentiles marvel. You would be asstonished to see the
issue of Books Stars And tracts from the Star office. evry fortne
ight the issue of Stars has doubled since I took charge in
47. And all other works in Equal ratio. The tide of truth
rolls irrisitably through the land. there will soon be some
vary Efficient Preachers in the French Nation from those parts
we Also have A HINDU in this country that speaks more than
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"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," January 9, 1849, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 15, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/rkpB