the grave of John C Campbell & a child buried to day from
Br Snows company of cholera
~ Friday
28 Our Teamsters had another blow up this morning 5 or 6
gold diggers who were driving baggage waggons said
they would leave their object was to take advantage of
our situation & compel us to pay high wages for driving
I told them they might quit as quick as they pleased And
they would none of them go I turned off Williams
the ring leader & the rest went on & were more
Humble. We crossed Salt Creek to day
Br Samuel Smith Died of cholera at 8 oclok at night
Aged 43 years Brother Badlam & myself laid him out in his
robes, laid him on the ground in his tent but we had but
Just got it done untill A tremendious tuhunder storm over-
took us blew the tent down we had to cover over the corpse
& let it lie untill morning
~ Saturday
29th We buried Brother Smith this morning & continued our
Journey. Dr Braily was buried on the south side of Salt Creek
this morning by Joseph Young & co
~ Sunday
30th Capt Joseph Hall drank free of slew water & in an
hour was taken with the cholera & died after 12 hours
sickness we all felt His loss he was vary useful to the camp
~ Monday
July 1st We dug Capt Halls grave He had 4 men with him
who made a covenant together that should any one of them die
on the road they would not bury them the same day so to be true
to their covenant they remained with the body through the day
we continued our Journey & At night camped with A
company of Brethren from the valley with the Mail. Brother Campbell Had charge of it we met in the evening herd the
list of Letters read over several songs of Zion sung & A cheer-
ing account of good news related from the valley
~ Tuesday
2nd We parted withe the Brethren from the valley they
go East we west A plesant day we have had much
rain of late & the roads were bad we passed several
graves to day
~ Wednesday
3rd Matilda Hardy died of consumption this morning
at 2 oclok was buried this morning
~ Thursday
4th We spent the day in camp on the Bluff before
going on to the platt Bottom. Washing Baking Black smithing
was Attended to. Lucy Johnson was taken sick at the
river with the cholera
~ Friday
5thLucy Johnson Died this morning at 3 oclok & was
buried before we left camp. Susan Woodruff was
taken sick suddenly with extreme pains in all her limbs
& could not move a hand or foot without her schreaming
we Administered to her & she was healed Phebe was
also taken sick we Administered to her & she was healed
the grave of John C Campbell & a child buried to day from
Br Snows company of cholera
~ Friday
28 Our Teamsters had another blow up this morning 5 or 6
gold diggers who were driving baggage waggons said
they would leave their object was to take advantage of
our situation & compel us to pay high wages for driving
I told them they might quit as quick as they pleased And
they would none of them go I turned off Williams
the ring leader & the rest went on & were more
Humble. We crossed Salt Creek to day
[FIGURE] Br Samuel Smith Died of cholera at 8 oclok at night
Aged 43 years Brother Badlam & myself laid him out in his
Robes, laid him on the ground in his tent but we had but
Just got it done untill A tremendious thunder storm overtook us blew the tent down we had to cover over the corpse
& let it lie untill morning
~ Saturday
29th We buried Brother Smith this morning & continued our
Journey. Dr Braily was buried on the south side of Salt Creek
this morning by Joseph Young & co
~ Sunday
30th Capt Joseph Hall drank free of slew water & in an
hour was taken with the cholera & died after 12 hours
sickness we all felt His loss he was vary useful to the Camp
~ Monday
July 1st We dug Capt Halls grave He had 4 men with him
who made a Covenant together that should any one of them die
on the road they would not bury them the same day so to be true
to their Covenant they remained with the body through the day
we continued our Journey & At night camped with A
company of Brethren from the valley with the Mail. Brother
Campbell Had Charge of it we met in the evening herd the
list of Letters read over several songs of Zion sung & A cheering account of good news related from the valley
~ Tuesday
2nd We parted withe the Brethren from the valley they
go East we west A plesant day we have had much
rain of late & the roads were bad we passed several
graves to day
~ Wednesday
3rd Matilda Hardy died of consumption this morning
at 2 oclok was buried this morning
~ Thursday
4th We spent the day in camp on the Bluff before
going on to the platt Bottom. Washing Baking Black smithing
was Attended to. Lucy Johnson was taken sick at the
river with the cholera
~ Friday
5thLucy Johnson Died this morning at 3 oclok & was
buried before we left camp. Susan Woodruff was
taken sick suddenly with extreme pain in all her limbs
& could not move a hand or foot without her schreaming
we Administered to her & she was healed Phebe was
also taken sick we Administered to her & she was healed
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," June 27, 1850 - July 5, 1850, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 15, 2025,