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Day in the Life

Jul 1, 1850

Journal Entry

July 01, 1850 ~ Monday

July 1st We dug Capt Halls grave He had 4 men with him
who made a Covenant together that should any one of them die
on the road they would not bury them the same day so to be true
to their Covenant they remained with the body through the day
we continued our Journey & At night camped with A
company of Brethren from the valley with the Mail. Brother
Campbell Had Charge of it we met in the evening herd the
list of Letters read over several songs of Zion sung & A cheer-
ing account of good news related from the valley


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Autobiography 1883 Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine Notes 2
we dug his grave but 4 men of his company had made a covenant that should any of their ten die on the road they would not bury them the same day and so they remained with the body and the camp continued and met a company of brethren from the Valley with the mail. Brother ^Robert L^ Campbell had charge of it. We


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Jul 1, 1850