P. P. Pratt followed & said how could doors be open in China
& other parts of the world if God had not moved upon some
of the Nations to cause a change among the nations & to have the
bible printed in the different languages so the people could have
the scriptures to read. After men have published the bible &
got $50,000 dollars for the same if they wont receive the fulness
of the gospel when they hear it the Lord can say to them you
are well paid for what you have done & if you wont do any more
go your way I will raise up somebody else so dont you complain as
you have got your pay I fell thankful for a few truths that are abr[oa]d
in the world as it prepares the way for many more
Brother A Lyman followed & said He was glad to hear what
had been said He felt to acknowledge the hand of God in all things many
might say we would have bettered our condition if we had gone to Calafornia but if you had gone there you would have gone whare
the devil would have had a chance to have spewed his filth over you
fo it would have been like going into the midst of hell some complan
about these Hills, deserts & mountains it is in consequence of these
things that we are here if we were in a desireable spot whare
the gentiles would wish to occupy it we would have trouble
from them & these are some of the things we ought to be thakful
for those persons that would be discontented with this people
would be discontented in paradise & they might have the
making of it themselves it would add much to the happiness
of mankind if they would be submissive to those powers which
they cannot controll but which ought to controll them
I met in councel with the Presidency & Twelve in the Afternoon
for prayer. I Attended meeting in the Afternoon evening at
14th ward school house & preached to the people
25th I spent the time at home Mrs Woodruff was sick
during the night
~ Wednesday
26 Aphek Mrs Woodruff was deliverd of a son this morning
at 1 oclock which died at 3 oclock living but 2 Hours I named
it Aphek & blessed it before it died I buried it during the
day in my garden. I felt it to be quite a loss to us.
~ Thursday
27th[FIGURE] President Young appointed a party for the
Presidency & Twelve & some other friends I attended at
the social Hall A good feast was prepared & all enjoyed
themelves well
~ Friday
28th Mrs Woodruff is quite poorly today I spent the day at home
~ Saturday
29th I wrote a letter to I F Carter today Mrs Woodruff
is still quite poorly
P. P. Pratt followed & said how could doors be open in China
& other parts of the world if God had not moved upon some
of the Nations to cause a change among the nations & to have the
bible printed in the different languages so the people could have
the scriptures to read. After men have published the bible &
got $50,000 dollars for the same if they wont receive the fulness
of the gospel when they hear it the Lord can say to them you
are well paid for what you have done & if you wont do any more
go your way I will raise up somebody else so dont you complain as
you have got your pay I fell thankful for a few truths that are abroad
in the world as it prepares the way for many more
Brother A Lyman followed & said he was glad to hear what
had been said He felt to acknowledge the hand of God in all things many
might say we would have bettered our condition if we had gone to
Calafornia but if you had gone there you would have gone whare
the devil would have had a chance to have spewed his filth over you
fo it would have been like going into the midst of hell some complan
about these Hills, deserts & mountains it is in consequence of these
things that we are here if we were in a desireable spot whare
the gentiles would wish to occupy it we would have trouble
from them & these are some of the things we ought to be thakful
for those persons that would be discontented with this people
would be discontented in paradise & they might have the
making of it themselves it would add much to the happiness
of mankind if they would be submissive to those powers which
they cannot controll but which ought to controll them
I met in councel with the Presidency & Twelve in the Afternoon
for prayer. I attended meeting in the evening at
14th ward school house & preached to the people
~ Monday
24th I spent the day at home
~ Tuesday
25th I spent the time at home Mrs Woodruff was sick
during the night
~ Wednesday
26 [FIGURE] Aphek Mrs Woodruff was delivered of a son this morning
at 1 oclock which died at 3 oclock living but 2 Hours I named
it Aphek & blessed it before it died I buried it during the
day in my garden. I felt it to be quite a loss to us.
~ Thursday
27th [FIGURE] President Young appointed a party for the
Presidency & Twelve & some other friends I attended at
the social Hall A good feast was prepared & all enjoyed
themelves well
~ Friday
28th Mrs Woodruff is quite poorly today I spent the day at
~ Saturday
29th [FIGURE] I wrote a letter to I F Carter today Mrs Woodruff
is still quite poorly
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," January 23, 1853 - January 29, 1853, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 8, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/pYmQ