the gospel because it is almighty because they see that it will prevail
& be upper most they receive the truth but do not receive the love
of it, & hence they fall out by the way & if you want to know
[who] receives the truth but not the love of it see who falls out by the way
some who are in the Church sware take the name of God in vain
they say they will be damned if they do this or that so they will
be they are Damned already. Now is the time to get your salvation
& exhaltation it has to be done here your words thought acts & deeds
are daily either exhalting or debasing you if you are not geting
your exhaltation here you will not get it hereafter then try to
improve your time here & get salvation daily if you pay strct
attention to yourselves in all things you will not have much time to
attends to the faults of your neighbors met in the eveng for prayer
21st[FIGURE] Our Legislature closed this night it sat till a vary
late hour bothe houses sat in Joint session with the govornor
& they closed with the best of feelings on all sides speeches were
made by the members speaker President & Govornor the
Govornor said in refference to diversion that He never wished
to see any sport made of any mans religion or the mane [name] of God
or the Sav^i^our named in sport it always grieved him to hear it
& he did not wish to have any of his friends call for any
play or scenery whare he was present that would call forth
any thing of the kind many good remarks were made by all
who spoke. The clerk of the House said that He had never called the roll
during the session but what there was a quorum present
& the speker had never had an occasion to call any metn [meeting]
to order neither had one member ever called another to order
23rd Sunday I attended meeting Elder O Hyde preached
said we should acknowledge the hand of God in all things refer
ed to Martin Luther the refermation &c & said the hand of God
was in it & that He had inspired Columbus & many men to per
form certain works & who knows but what he inspired Mohomd
to cause the people to acknowledg one god & one prophet. Martin
Luther with others created a great change in his day from
Popary, to more freedom of conscience in religious & political
matters & the way has been prepared in process of time so the
kingdom of God has been esstablished & so with all the events of
the present day steem power, rail roads Telegraph lines, & all the
revolutions of the present Nations may we not acknowledge the
hand of God in them all as bringing to pass the purposes of the
Lord. The Lord says he is angry with none exsept those who do
not acknowledge his hand in all things No man can find out God
we shall not noknow as much as God for then there would would
be two competitors on the Throne we may see the day when we
shall know as much as God does now but then He will know as much
more at that time than we as he does now. if we do wrong we shall
be chastized for it if we do well we shall have our reward for that
the gospel because it is almighty because they see that it will prevail
& be upper most they receive the truth but do not receive the love
of it, & hence they fall out by the way & if you want to know
who receives the truth but not the love of it see who falls out by the way
some who are in the Church sware take the name of God in vain
they say they will be damned if they do this or that so they will
be they are Damned already. Now is the time to get your salvation
& exhaltation it has to be done here your words thought acts & deeds
are daily either Exhalting or debasing you if you are not geting
your exhaltation here you will not get it hereafter then try to
improve your time here & get salvation daily if you pay strct
attention to yourselves in all things you will not have much time to
attends to the faults of your neighbors met in the eveng for prayer
21st [FIGURE] Our Legislature closed this night it sat till a vary
late hour bothe houses sat in Joint session with the Govornor
& they closed with the best of feelings on all sides speeches were
made by the members speaker President & Govornor the
Govornor said in refference to diversion that he never wished
to see any sport made of any mans religion or the mane name of God
or the Saviour named in sport it always grieved him to hear it
& he did not wish to have any of his friends call for any
play or scenery whare he was present that would call forth
any thing of the kind many good remarks were made by all
who spoke. The clerk of the House said that he had never called the roll
during the session but what there was a quorum present
& the speker had never had an occasion to call any meeting
to order neither had one member ever called another to order
~ Saturday
22nd I spent the day at home was quite unwell
~ Sunday
23rd Sunday I attended meeting Elder O Hyde preached
said we should acknowledge the hand of God in all things refer
ed to Martin Luther the refermation &c & said the hand of God
was in it & that He had inspired Columbus & many men to per
form certain works & who knows but what he inspired Mohomd
to cause the people to acknowledg one God & one prophet. Martin
Luther with others created a great change in his day from
Popary, to more freedom of conscience in religious & political
matters & the way has been prepared in process of time so the
kingdom of God has been esstablished & so with all the events of
the present day steem power, rail roads Telegraph lines, & all the
Revolutions of the present Nations may we not acknowledge the
hand of God in them all as bringing to pass the purposes of the
Lord. The Lord says he is angry with none exsept those who do
not acknowledge his hand in all things No man can find out God
we shall notknow as much as God for then there would would
be two competitors on the Throne we may see the day when we
shall know as much as God does now but then He will know as much
more at that time than we as he does now. if we do wrong we shall
be chastized for it if we do well we shall have our reward for that
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," January 16, 1853 - January 23, 1853, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 9, 2025,