the blade & let it remain 2 1/2 minutes after the polish is taken off.
then dip the blade in water then wipe it dry. then take clear tur-
pentine & rub over the blade untill the varnish is clean off &
while the blade is wet with the Terpentine dip it into dry slack lime
then polish the blade in chalk & water with A peacle of soft leather
And it will Appear of A silver cast
To Engrave on Steel
Follow the same direction As for etching ownly cover the
steel all over with the varnish then write on it as soon as it is
dry with A Needle or any sharp instrument that will cut through
the varnish so as to give room for the Aqua fortis to eat And instead
of 2 1/2 minutes let it eat 10 minutes or as long as is found necessary
by experiment go through the same process of cleaning & polishing
as before
For Curing Any kind of Hydes with wool or Hair on
Take common salt & Allum of equal quantity & make strong
brine of it let the skin be washed clean with water, then lay
them flat on the ground with the wool or Hair down then take
the salt & Allum water & cover the skins with it on the flesh
side let it remain on a small skin 24 hours on A large skin
48 then wash it in clean water then stretch it let it dry
then curriy it with courrier tools untill it is pliable
~ Thursday
10th I recieved A Letter from Jacob Gibson & wrote him one in
return & sent him A pamphlet on the 9th. I planted my Garden
to day all over & had A good meeting in the evening at my house
I laid hands upon Sister Page for sickness
13th Sunday I preached to the people, & held a Church meeting
communed with the Saints Reproved some. spent the night
at Mr Bennettslaind hands upon 1 sick
~ Monday
14th We Baptized 1, & I confirmed her, then took cars
with Br Sweat Sister Pratt & rode to Worcester then to Boston
I spent A little time in Boston I called upon Br Cannon saw Elder Thomas McKenzie pack up a large Box of Books near 400lbs which He
has collected in Boston for schools in the valley he has been faithful in
his mission in collecting Books during the past season to assist the Saints
in collecting esstablishing schools in the valley of the Mountains. I
went home & spent the night. There has been A great Mob of late in New York the papers have been full of it for several days The
Boston Daily times contained A long Article Headed Dreadful Riot and
Bloodshead, At the Astor Place Theatre, the Military called out, fireing on the
people Awful sacrifizce of Life. 21 persons Killed, 33 wounded, & 53
of the rioters Arested. On Thursday night May 10th 1849 A mob of 20000 collected at the Above Theatre in consequence of the Appearance
of Mr Macready An Englishman upon the stage. The Military [was] called out
the blade & let it remain 2 1/2 minutes after the polish is taken off,
then dip the blade in water then wipe it dry, then take clear turpentine & rub over the blade untill the varnish is clean off &
while the blade is wet with the Terpentine dip it into dry slack lime
then polish the blade in chalk & water with a peace of soft leather
and it will appear of a silver cast
To Engrave on Steel
Follow the same direction as for etching ownly cover the
steel all over with the varnish then write on it as soon as it is
dry with a Needle or any sharp instrument that will cut through
the varnish so as to give room for the aquafortis to eat and instead
of 2 1/2 minutes let it eat 10 minutes or as long as is found necessary
by experiment go through the same process of cleaning & polishing
as before
For Curing any kind of Hydes with wool or Hair on
Take common salt & allum of equal quantity & make strong
brine of it let the skin be washed clean with water, then lay
them flat on the ground with the wool or hair down then take
the salt & allum water & cover the skins with it on the flesh
side let it remain on a small skin 24 hours on a large skin
48 then wash it in clean water then stretch it let it dry
then Curry it with Courrier tools untill it is pliable
~ Thursday
10th FIGURES I recieved a Letter from Jacob Gibson & wrote him one in
return & sent him a pamphlet on the 9th. I planted my Garden
to day all over & had a good meeting in the evening at my house
I laid hands upon sister Page for sickness
13th Sunday I preached to the people, & held a Church meeting
Communed with the Saints reproved some, spent the night
at Mr Bennetts laid hands upon 1 sick
~ Monday
14th We baptized 1, & I confirmed her, then took cars
with Br Sweat and Sister Pratt & rode to Worcester then to Boston
I spent a little time in Boston I called upon Br Cannon saw Elder
Thomas McKenzie pack up a large box of books near 400lbs which he
has collected in Boston for schools in the valley he has been faithful in
his mission in collecting books during the past season to assist the Saints
in esstablishing schools in the valley of the Mountains, I
went home & spent the night.
There has been a great Mob of late
[FIGURE] in New York the papers have been full of it for several days. The
Boston Daily times contained a long article headed Dreadful Riot and
Bloodshead, At the Astor Place Theatre, the Military called out, fireing on the
people Awful sacrifice of Life, 21 Persons Killed, 33 wounded, & 53
of the rioters Arested. On Thursday night May 10th 1849 a mob of
20000 collected at the above Theatre in consequence of the appearance
of Mr Macready an Englishman upon the Stage. The Military was called out
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," May 9, 1849 - May 14, 1849, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 5, 2025,