& dancing, & Nigering & Hoeing down all has been the bet
continually, now it is quite time to quit it, & there has been
trials & law suits upon evry nonsensical thing & if these things
are suffered to go on it will be but a short time befor you
will be fighting knocking each other down & taking life
& it is high time it was stoped. I do not want to hear any
more such reportts as I herd last Sunday, of mens going to
meeting & preaching to the rest after he had played cards
untill meeting time. you are A putty set of men going
to seek out A location among the mountains for a resting place
of the Saints, even the whole Church of God who have been
driven out from the gentiles & rejected of them And after
you have esstablished A location you are then going out to preah
the gospel, seal salvation upon the House of Israel, & gather
the nations. How would you look if they should know your
conduct & Ask you what did you do when you went to
seek out Zion, & find A resting place for the Saints whare
the standard of the Kingdom of God could be reared & her
banners unfurled for the nations to gather unto, dudt [but] you
spend A good deal of your time in dancing pitching quare[l],
Jumping wrastleing &c yes, yes, did you play cards, dice
checkers & dominoes O! yes, what could you do with you-
rself, why you would shrink from the glance of the yeyes
of God Angels & men even wicked men, then are you
not ashamed of yourselves for practicing these things
yes you are & you must quit it. After speaking sumwhat
lengthy upon these matters He called the Twelve together
the High priest, Seventies & Elders, & found to be 8
of the quorum of the Twelve, 18 High Priest, 80 Seventies
& 8 Elders After which President Young said unto the
Twelve If you are willing to Humble yourselves before
the Lord & covenant to do right & walk humble before
him, make it manifest by raising the right hand
when each one raised their hand, the same question
was put to the High Priest, Seventies, Elders & Members
& all universally covenanted with uplifted hand to humble
themselves before the Lord repent of their sins & keep
his commandments. President Young then spoke of those
who was not in the Church As there were sum present that
they would be protected in their rights but they must
not introduce wickedness in the camp for it would not
be sufferd. He then spoke of the standard & ensign that
would be reared in Zion, to govern the Kingdom of God [FIGURE] And the nations of the earth for evry nation
would bow the knea & evry tongue confess that
JESUS was the Christ [Mosiah 27:31] And this will be the
standard. The Kingdom of God & his Laws & Judgment in {the hands of his servants Ahman Christ} And on the standard would be a flag
of evry nation under heaven so their would be an invitation to all
Nations under heaven to come unto Zion, the Saints would have
to keep the Celestial law, And all nations & religions would
have to bow the knee to God And Accknowledge that Jesus was
the Christ, but they would not be under the necessity of
being Baptized or embracing the gospel of Christ, but
they must acknowledge the right & reign of Christ
& dancing, & Nigering & Hoeing down all has been the bet
continually, now it is quite time to quit it, & there has been
trials & law suits upon evry nonsensical thing & if these things
are suffered to go on it will be but a short time befor you
will be fighting knocking each other down & taking life
& it is high time it was stoped, I do not want to hear any
more such reports as I herd last Sunday. of mens going to
meeting & preaching to the rest after he had played cards
untill meeting time, you are a putty set of men going
to seek out a location among the mountains for a resting place
of the Saints, even the whole Church of God who have been
driven out from the gentiles & rejected of them and after
you have esstablished a location you are then going out to preah
the gospel, seal salvation upon the House of Israel, & gather
the nations. How would you look if they should know your
conduct & ask you what did you do when you went to
seek out Zion, & find a resting place for the Saints whare
the Standard of the Kingdom of God could be reared & her
banners unfurled for the nations to gather unto, dut you
spend a good deal of your time in dancing pitching quarel,
Jumping wrastleing &c yes, yes, did you play cards, dice
checkers & dominoes O! yes, what could you do with yourself, why you would shrink from the glance of theeyes
of God Angels & men even wicked men, then are you
not ashamed of yourselves for practicing these things
yes you are & you must quit it. After speaking sumwhat
lengthy upon these matters he called the Twelve together
the High priest, Seventies & Elders, & found to be 8
of the quorum of the Twelve. 18 High Priest. 80 Seventies
& 8 Elders after which President Young said unto the
Twelve If you are willing to humble yourselves before
the Lord & covenant to do right & walk humble before
him, make it manifest by raising the right hand
when each one raised their hand, the same question
was put to the High Priest, Seventies, Elders & Members
& all universally covenanted with uplifted hand to humble
themselves before the Lord repent of their sins & keep
his commandments. President Young then spoke of those
who was not in the Church as there were sum present that
they would be protected in their rights but they must
not introduce wickedness in the Camp for it would not
be sufferd. He then spoke of the standard & ensign that
would be reared in Zion, to govern the Kingdom of God
[FIGURE] and the nations of the earth for evry nation
would bow the knea & evry tongue confess that
JESUS was the Christ and this will be the
standard. The Kingdom of God & his Laws & Judgment in
{the hands of his servants Ahman Christ} And on the standard would be a flag
of evry nation under heaven so their would be an invitation to all
Nations under heaven to come unto Zion, the Saints would have
to keep the Celestial law, and all nations & religions would
have to bow the knee to God and acknowledge that Jesus was
the Christ, but they would not be under the necessity of
being baptized or embracing the Gospel of Christ, but
they must acknowledge the right & reign of Christ
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," May 29, 1847, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 6, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/n597