then if they felt disposed to reject the gospel & be damned they had
A right to, & the Saints or inhabitants of Zion had no right to take
from them their religion or persecute them on account of it or
trample upon their rights any way, neither should other nations
or religions trample upon the rights & privileges of the Saints who serve
& obey the Lord of [and] Keep his commandments neither would that
be suffered as it has been in times past. And upon this principle
All men or religions may dwell with us in peace, if they will
keep the outward laws of the kingdom of [God] so as to acknowledg his
name & his right to reign, & let us keep the law of the gospel &
obey his commandments undisturbed. After making other rem-
arks He left the meeting in the hands of the rest of the Twelve
Elder Kimball followed & remarked that what President Young said
it was the word of the Lord unto him & was Just as much binding
upon him as though it was A written Revelation And it was just
as much binding upon the whole camp as it was upon him & urged
the Saints to give heed to the teachings that were given.
O Pratt followed & said that if the Saints had leasure hours
that they could spend them to much better Advantage than playing
cards As there was A world of Knowledge to be obtained & evry leasure
moment should be improved toin storeing the mind with some sciensce or
learning some good principle And acknowledged the teachings we
had recieved to be of the Lord
W. Woodruff Arose & said He had some things in his heart he
wished to say, that A Burned child dreaded the fire. He had not
forgotton his Journey in the Camp of 1834 And should He
live to the age of Matheusala He should not forget the hour when
the Prophet & Seer JosephSmith stood upon the waggon
wheel & Addressed that camp & said that because they had
not Harkened to his councel but disobeyed, & transgressed
from time to time, that the die was cast & Judgment
must come that we should be visited by the destroying Angels
And so we were & more than twenty of our numbers
fell by the stroke & we all suffered much in our feelings
And I pray the Lord I may not see another such a time
And I would now Advise my brethren to be careful in keeping the coven[an]t ywe have made lest by & by the word of the Lord come unto us as in
the days of Joseph & we cannot escape his judgment. I would
Advise all the Brethren who have got cards to burn them up for
Also checkers & dominoes, for if you keep your covenants you
have made you will have no time to use them & they will be
useless lomber on your hands. if you keep them for your children
they will ownly prove a curse to them. And my prayer to God
is thayt we all may be enabled to keep all our covenants
with the Lord & each other I rejoice that the watchman
upon the walls or in our mids are quick to comprehend & warn
us of evil & reprove us when wrong that we may de saved & do
the will of God
Br S. Markham Arose confessed his sins for card playing on sunday
before he went to preach & asked forgivness, then the camp
dispersed to there waggons & we all started on our Journey
Br G. A. Smith & myself went together to pilot out the road
we travled 8 1/2 miles & camped for the night in good feed
though the whole country was vary barren that we had
[page torn] [come] through. we passed today through layers of good
then if they felt disposed to reject the gospel & be damned they had
a right to, & the Saints or inhabitants of Zion had no right to take
from them their religion or persecute them on account of it or
trample upon their rights any way, neither should other nations
or religions trample upon the rights & privileges of the Saints who serve
& obey the Lord of and Keep his Commandments neither would that
be suffered as it has been in times past. And upon this principle
all men or religions may dwell with us in peace, if they will
keep the outward laws of the kingdom of God so as to acknowledg his
name & his right to reign & let us keep the law of the gospel &
obey his commandments undisturbed. After making other remarks he left the meeting in the hands of the rest of the Twelve
Elder Kimball followed & remarked that what President Young said
it was the word of the Lord unto him & was just as much binding
upon him as though it was a written Revelation and it was just
as much binding upon the whole camp as it was upon him & urged
the Saints to give heed to the teachings that were given.
O Pratt followed & said that if the Saints had leasure hours
that they could spend them to much better advantage than playing
Cards as there was a world of Knowledge to be obtained & evry leasure
moment should be improved in storeing the mind with some science or
learning some good principle and acknowledged the teachings we
had recieved to be of the Lord
W. Woodruff arose & said he had some things in his heart he
wished to say, that a burned child dreaded the fire. He had not
forgotton his journey in the Camp of 1834 and should he
live to the age of Matheusala he should not forget the hour when
the Prophet & Seer JosephSmith stood upon the waggon
wheel & addressed that Camp & said that because they had
not harkened to his Councel but disobeyed, & transgressed
from time to time, that the die was cast & Judgment
must come that we should be visited by the destroying Angels
And so we were & more than twenty of our numbers
fell by the stroke & we all suffered much in our feelings
And I pray the Lord I may not see another such a time
And I would now advise my brethren to be careful in keeping the Covenant
we have made lest by & by the word of the Lord come unto us as in
the days of Joseph & we cannot escape his judgment. I would
advise all the Brethren who have got cards to burn them up
also checkers & dominoes, for if you keep your covenants you
have made you will have no time to use them & they will be
useless lomber on your hands. if you keep them for your children
they will ownly prove, a curse to them. And my prayer to God
is that we all may be enabled to keep all our covenants
with the Lord & each other I rejoice that the watchman
upon the walls or in our mids are quick to comprehend & warn
us of evil & reprove us when wrong that we may de saved & do
the will of God
Br S. Markham arose confessed his sins for card playing on sunday
before he went to preach & asked forgivness, then the camp
dispersed to there waggons & we all started on our journey
Br G. A. Smith & myself went together to pilot out the road
we travled 8 1/2 miles & camped for the night in good feed
though the whole Country was vary barren that we had
page torn come through. we passed today through layers of good
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," May 29, 1847, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 6, 2025,