weeks & spend their time in fighting ifor the mastery instead of
organizing & doing the business of the people, but the hleaders of the
whole Nation itself at wWashington are engender[ing] the spirit of party
strife, hatred disunion & war meeting in seperate parties And
laying plans for the dissolving of the union And the Anhilation
of the American Government. And James Gordon Bennett of
the New York Herald & other editors After Prophesying month After
month that their was no danger of disolving our union Are with
all their prophesies recorded in their paper steareing them in the
face, under the necessity of recording the Account of the parties
ways And means made use of to accomplis & bring to pass the vary
things they have been prophesying Against. And while the senators
& statesman of the slave states meet in convention And resolve that
if slavery in the Distrect of Columbia is Abolished or prohibited
from New Mexico or Calafornia that they will immediately dissolve
the Union, lay taxes upon the shiping of the free states &c At the
same time citizens And statesmen of the free states meet in conyven-
tion And Resolve if these things are not done they in like manner
will dissolve the Union. while these parties are growing more &
more determined, & further & wider Apart. Still the public mind
seems to be blinded As to the result of these resolutions, And are
ignorant concerning the fruit which will be produced by the seed of
there own sowing yes they have "eyes but see not, ears but hear not &
hearts but do not understand" [Matthew 13:15] while the servent of Godwfilled with
inspiration, can behold the scene in its true light And knows well
the result, with As much certainty As Noah, Lot, And Jesus,
did each in their day while gazing upon the conduct of the Anted-
eluvians, Sodom & Gomorrow, or the inhabitants of Jerrusalem And
As the words of the Lord were fulfilled in the former case in like
manner will they in the latter. During the past year the Asilaatic
cholera one of the plagues of the last days has Also again commen[ce]d
its march through the earth slaying its tens of thousands. it has now
made its Appearance in England & Scotland And has just Arived
in the United States is in New YorkNew OrleansMobeelMemphis
And Cincinnati the lasrt report states about 100 daily in New Orleans
the signs of the gathering of the Jews has been vary prominant during
the past [year]. the govenments of the world have in some measure been
exherted to favor that people. And while I turn my eye towards Zion
I can see the Lord is vefavoring her. The Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter Day Saints has been organized with A first Presidency
of three vizBrigham Young, Heber C Kimball, And Willard Richards,
who have gatherd to the mountaisns of Israel in the valley of the Great Salt Lake took with them about 3000 souls & some 8000
Head of cattle of All kinds which now makes a population of about
7000 Saints in the city of the Great Salt Lake Great Bason North
America. The Saints who were located near the Bay of San
Francisco have found A vast amount of welth in mines, such
as Dimonds, Gold, silver, quick silver, platina, copper, lead, tin, zink
Iron &c. these things have been found to such an extent that it is
creating great excitement throughout the world esspecially in
the United States And tens of thousands Are flocking to that land.
Crime of evry kinbd has Apparently increased 100 per ct throughout the
United States And the cup of their iniquity is full And the hour of
their Judgment is come Calamity sorrow & Death has recieved its comm-
ission to visit this land. And the spirit whispers to me that eighteen
hundred & forty nine will lay waste many thousands of the inhabitants
of the earth esspecilly of this land by cholera fire plage And Judgments
weeks & spend their time in fighting for the mastery instead of
organizing & doing the business of the people, but the leaders of the
whole Nation itself at Washington are engendering the spirit of party
strife, hatred disunion & war meeting in seperate parties and
laying plans for the dissolving of the Union and the anhilation
of the American Government. And James Gordon Bennett of
the New York Herald & other Editors after Prophesying month after
month that their was no danger of disolving our union are with
all their prophesies recorded in their paper stareing them in the
face, under the necessity of recording the account of the parties
ways and means made use of to accomplis & bring to pass the vary
things they have been prophesying against. And while the Senators
& Statesman of the Slave states meet in convention and resolve that
if slavery in the Distrect of Columbia is abolished or prohibited
from New Mexico or Calafornia that they will immediately dissolve
the Union, lay taxes upon the shiping of the free States &c At the
same time Citizens and Statesmen of the free states meet in convention and Resolve if these things are not done they in like manner
will dissolve the Union. While these parties are growing more &
more determined, & further & wider apart. Still the public mind
seems to be blinded as to the result of these resolutions, and are
ignorant concerning the fruit which will be produced by the seed of
there own sowing yes they have "eyes but see not, ears but hear not &
hearts but do not understand" while the servent of Godfilled with
inspiration, can behold the scene in its true light and knows well
the result, with as much certainty as Noah, Lot, and Jesus,
did each in their day while gazing upon the conduct of the Antedeluvians, Sodom & Gomorrow, or the inhabitants of Jerrusalem and
as the words of the Lord were fulfilled in the former case in like
manner will they in the latter. During the past year the Asiactic
cholera one of the plagues of the last days has also again commenced
its march through the Earth slaying its tens of thousands. it has now
made its appearance in England & Scotland and has just arived
in the United States is in New YorkNew OrleansMobealMemphis
and Cincinnati the last report states about 100 daily in New Orleans
the signs of the gathering of the Jews has been vary prominant during
the past year, the governments of the world have in some measure been
exherted to favor that people. And while I turn my eye towards Zion
I can see the Lord is favoring her. The Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter Day Saints has been organized with a first Presidency
of three vizBrigham Young, Heber C. Kimball, and Willard Richards,
who have gatherd to the mountains of Israel in the valley of the
Great Salt Lake took with them about 3000 souls & some 8000
head of cattle of all kinds which now makes a population of about
7000 saints in the City of the Great Salt LakeGreat Bason North
America. The Saints who were located near the Bay of San
Francisco have found a vast amount of welth in mines, such
as Dimonds, Gold, Silver, quick silver, platina, copper, lead, tin, zink
Iron &c, these things have been found to such an extent that it is
creating great excitement throughout the world esspecially in
the United States and tens of thousands are flocking to that land.
Crime of Evry kind has apparently increased 100 per ct throughout the
United States and the cup of their iniquity is full and the hour of
their Judgment is come Calamity sorrow & Death has recieved its commission to visit this land. And the spirit whispers to me that eighteen
hundred & forty nine will lay waste many thousands of the inhabitants
of the Earth esspecilly of this land by Cholera fire plage and Judgments
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," December 31, 1848, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 11, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/R6mO