the record of the Twelve Apostles which was read before us
this record commenced in the valley of the Great Salt Lake
at the filling up of the quorum of the Twelve it contained
many items of Interest. After it was read & remarks
made it was moved & carried that the record of the Twelve
Apostles be put into the Hands of Wilford Woodruff to keep
& record such acts as was necessary we then Appointed
A meeting for the Twelve to meet each Monday night whic[h]
we could be together As the time would soon come when P. P. PrattA. Lyman & C C Rich would be called upon to go
abroad on their mission we adjourned untill next monday
~ Tuesday
4th ^^ According to adjournment the Legislature met today to
transact business for the state I spent the day with them
An ordinance was passed granting A liberal charter to the Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints protecting them in their
religious rights. During the pasage of this ordinance many interest
ing remarks were made by the president or Govournor of the state
He says we do not want the church to pass laws to punish crime
ownly to try members on church fellowship if the members shall
transgress the laws of the Land turn them over to the Laws of the
Land but we want to protect the Church in their right of
worship & so we will evry other sect that comes here. When
the kingdoms of this world become the kingdom of our Lord &
Savior Jesus Christ will they all be members of the Church
of Jesus Christ & obey the gospel? No not one 8th part of them
No more than the Telestial kingdom is a celestial one and they
stand in about the same relationship one to the other. If a
society of the shaking quakers was to come here & settle in
this valley & wanted a charter to be protected in their worsh-
ip let us give them one & if they belive it right not to marry
a woman let them live without it & not compel them to it
So if the Latter Day Saints wish to have more wives than one
to live Holy & raise up Holy seed unto the Lord let them enjoy that
privilege. Now the Gentile Christian Nations & Legislatores
guard vary strictly against passing any laws to do away with whore-
doms but they will make it almost Death for a man to have two
wives but they will have as many whores as they please yes thou-
sands upon thousands of the Christian Nations are rotting with
the pock & filty corruption & they think this is all right
But for a righteous man to have several wives like Abram Isaac & Jacob, David & others to raise up a Holy seed unto the
Lord & will keep themselves pure before God they think this
is an awful sin But if I had power I would take all
good virtueous females from all wicked corrupt Adulterous
Husbands & give them to Holy men of God that they may raise
up seed unto the Lord. I have more wives than one I have many
and I am not ashamed to have it known some Deny in the
states that we have more wives than one I never Deny it I am
perfectly willing that the people at Washington should know that I
have more than one wife & they are pure before the Lord and
are approved off in his sight I have been commanded of God
to persue this course &c many other interesting remarks were made
the record of the Twelve Apostles which was read before us
this record commenced in the valley of the Great Salt Lake
at the filling up of the quorum of the Twelve it contained
many items of Interest. After it was read & remarks
made it was moved & carried that the record of the Twelve
Apostles be put into the hands of Wilford Woodruff to keep
& record such acts as was necessary we then appointed
a meeting for the Twelve to meet each Monday night while
we could be together as the time would soon come when
P. P. PrattA. Lyman & C C Rich would be called upon to go
abroad on their mission we adjourned untill next monday
~ Tuesday
4th [FIGURE] According to adjournment the Legislature met today to
transact business for the state I spent the day with them
An ordinance was passed granting a liberal charter to the Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints protecting them in their
religious rights. During the pasage of this ordinance many interest
ing remarks were made by the president or Govournor of the state
He says we do not want the church to pass laws to punish crime
ownly to try members on church fellowship if the members shall
transgress the laws of the Land turn them over to the Laws of the
Land but we want to protect the church in their right of
worship & so we will evry other sect that comes here when
the kingdoms of this world become the kingdom of Our Lord &
Savior Jesus Christ will they all be members of the Church
of Jesus Christ & obey the gospel No not one 8th part of them
No more than the Telestial kingdom is a Celestial one and they
stand in about the same relationship one to the other. If a
society of the shaking quakers was to come here & settle in
this valley & wanted a charter to be protected in their worship let us give them one & if they believe it right not to marry
a woman let them live without it & not compel them to it
so if the Latter Day Saints wish to have more wives than one
to live holy & raise up holy seed unto the Lord let them enjoy that
privilege Now the Gentile Christian Nations & Legislatores
guard vary strictly against passing any laws to do away with whoredoms but they will make it almost Death for a man to have two
wives but they will have as many whores as they please yes thousands upon thousands of the Christian Nations are rotting with
the pock & filty corruption & they think this is all right
but for a righteous man to have several wives like Abram
Isaac & Jacob, David & others to raise up a holy seed unto the
Lord & will keep themselves pure before God they think this
is an awful sin but if I had power I would take all
good virtueous females from all wicked corrupt adulterous
husbands & give them to holy men of God that they may raise
up seed unto the Lord I have more wives than one I have many
and I am not ashamed to have it known some deny in the
states that we have more wives than one I never deny it I am
perfectly willing that the people at Washington should know that I
have more than one wife & they are pure before the Lord and
are approved off in his sight I have been commanded of God
to persue this course &c many other interesting remarks were made
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," February 3, 1851 - February 4, 1851, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 2, 2025,