JAN 1st, 1853 The commencement of a new year
in the midst of a New Era. O how time
flies And how great, how important how magnificent, And how
mighty are the events born on its wings it is the opening of a dispen
sation that swallows up all other dispensations since the world
began the deeds of the last thousand years sink into insigniff-
icans in comparrison to the work of a year at the present time
The Heavens gaze upon the scenes as they pass with deep interes
while the whole earth beholds the scenes in wonder & amacem[en]t
The ancients Prophets sayw by vision & revelation the scenes which
were to follow each other in quick succession in this age in the
esstablishment of the great Kingdom of our God to be thrown
down no more forever. The little stone cut out of the mountain
without hands that was to roll forth untill it became a mountain
& filled the whole earth & broke in peaces & subdued all other
kingdoms & was to stand forever as seen by the prophet Daniel
has commenced its work. that Church & Kingdom of God is
now on the earth & is being esstablished which must endure & the
world are gaziong upon it, it is now located in these vallies of the
mountains like a city set upon a hill which cannot be hid. its
first Prophet & Founder has laid down his life in its defence
He has been martered, & his blood is crying from the ground
for vangance upon a great Nation. many others have fallen
a martyr to the truth & the gospel of Jesus Christ since the organiza-
tion of this church in A.D. 1830 & many others may, yet the
Church is bound to arise & prosper untill the Zion & Kingdom
of our God shall stand forth in bold relief containing all that
power, strength, might, majesty & dominion which God has
decreed concerning her & been spoken through the mouths of
his Holy Prophets since the world began. This Church & Kingdom
has continued steadily to arise since its first organization amid
oppostion, oppression, persecution, & martyrdom untill it has become
esstablished in the midst of thes everlasting hills & mountains not ownly
gaining strength in church but also in state. Ephraims Nobles are
of himself & his Govonor has procedid out of the midst of him. And
while truth inspires my heart shall I fear to write it NoShall I fear
that the present or future generations shall read those truths which
are burning in my breast enkindled by the Holy Alters of Heaven No
God forbid for the voice of truth whispers to me that our govornors
Presidents & senators now arising out of the Kingdom of God will
be inspired to take bold measures, to perform daring acts, rise
up in their stregngth & power & stregth [stretch] forth their strong arms
& save from annihilation that Holy instrument the Constitutin
of the United States, which the American People are about to sell
for a mess of potage & triying to consine it to the grave. Their is a
power who has decreed that liberty freedom & the rights of the
righteous & the meeke of the earth shall not wholey die & that power
is God. And He has decreed to inspire & nerve up the soul the
sinew & the Arm of his Govornors Senators & prophets &
Arm them for the contest, and defend them in their warfare
That Nation, or Kingdom or Toungue or people, from this time forth
who shall rise up against Zion & the church & Kingdom of God
to oppress her. They shall be visited by the Judgments of the
Most High they shall be overthrown & brought to desolation & may
God spedily Hasten it May the Almighty begin this year to rend the kingdoms
of this world with his Servants & continue it untill All nations shall acknowled[ge] ther is
a God in Israel
~ Saturday
JAN 1st 1853 The commencement of a new year
in the midst of a New Era. O how time
flies and how great, how important how magnificent, and how
mighty are the Events born on its wings it is the opening of a dispen
sation that swallows up all other dispensations since the world
began the deeds of the last thousand years sink into insignifficans in comparrison to the work of a year at the present time
The Heavens gaze upon the scenes as they pass with deep interes
while the whole Earth beholds the scenes in wonder & amacement
The ancients Prophets saw by vision & revelation the scenes which
were to follow each other in quick succession in this age in the
esstablishment of the great Kingdom of our God to be thrown
down no more forever. The little stone cut out of the mountain
without hands that was to roll forth untill it became a mountain
& filled the whole Earth & broke in peaces & subdued all other
kingdoms & was to stand forever as seen by the prophet Daniel
has commenced its work. that Church & Kingdom of God is
now on the Earth & is being esstablished which must endure & the
world are gaziong upon it, it is now located in these vallies of the
mountains like a city set upon a hill which cannot be hid. its
first Prophet & Founder has laid down his life in its defence
He has been martered, & his blood is crying from the ground
for vangance upon a great Nation. many others have fallen
a martyr to the truth & the gospel of Jesus Christ since the organization of this church in A.D. 1830 & many others may, yet the
Church is bound to arise & prosper untill the Zion & Kingdom
of our God shall stand forth in bold relief containing all that
power, strength, might, majesty & dominion which God has
decreed concerning her & been spoken through the mouths of
his Holy Prophets since the world began. This Church & Kingdom
has continued steadily to arise since its first organization amid
oppostion, oppression, persecution, & martyrdom untill it has become
esstablished in the midst of thes everlasting hills & mountains not ownly
gaining strength in church but also in state. Ephraims Nobles are
of himself & his Govonor has procedid out of the midst of him. And
while truth inspires my heart shall I fear to write itShall I fear
that the present or future Generations shall read those truths which
are burning in my breast enkindled by the Holy Alters of Heaven No
God forbid for the voice of truth whispers to me that Our Govornors
Presidents & senators now arising out of the Kingdom of God will
be inspired to take bold measures, perform daring acts, rise
up in their strength & power & stretch forth their strong arms
& save from annihilation that Holy instrument the Constitutin
of the United States. which the American People are about to sell
for a mess of potage & trying to consine it to the grave. Their is a
power who has decreed that liberty freedom & the rights of the
Righteous & the meeke of the Earth shall not wholey die & that power
is God. And He has decreed to inspire & nerve up the Soul the
sinew & the Arm of his Govornors Senators & prophets &
Arm them for the contest, and defend them in their warfare
That Nation or Kingdom or Toungue or people, from this time forth
who shall rise up against Zion & the Church & Kingdom of God
to oppress her. They shall be visited by the Judgments of the
Most High they shall be overthrown & brought to desolation & may
God spedily Hasten it May the Almighty begin this year to rend the kingdoms
of this world with his Servants & continue it untill all nations shall acknowledge ther is
a God in Israel
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"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," January 1, 1853, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 25, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/lYNj