He will have a chance. The Presidency & Twelve will fill in Eternity
those stations Appointed them so with all men But I expect to
remain on this Earth untill I am able to create a world of my
own & people it the lord Has given us rich portions of the Earth
to inherit we have been driven from tim to time from there
we now inherit a goodly land the best land on the Earth for
vegitation & it will be good for fruit & the people of the Earth
will yet come to us for fruit
Aug 1st & 2nd I spent Harvesting I had 20 Acres of wheat 5 Acres
of 7 Headed wheat was vary stout supposed to yield 60 or 70 bushels
to the Acres I Had 10 Acres of touse & 5 Acres of club
~ Sunday
3rd Sunday I attended meeting Dr Bernhisel Accupyed the time
in the forenoon giving an account of His procedings in washington
Also His obtaining A library for Deserett
~ Monday to ~ Saturday
4th , , , , & 9 I spent this week Harvesting & going to Dr Richards kanyon which was a Horrid road
~ Sunday
10th Sunday I Attended Meeting. Brother Babbit Attended
meeting & Addressed the Assembly in the forenoon mostly upon the gospel
& priesthood
~ Monday to ~ Saturday
11th & ^ & 16^ I spent the time mowing & Harvesting
~ Sunday to ~ Wednesday
14 15 16 17 17 Sunday I was unwell & was at home & 20 I laboured
~ Thursday to ~ Saturday
14 15 1621 23 I spent the time in council with some 40 or 50
men And they were some of the Best days of my life much
good was done light truth & the power of God was manifes
difficulties of long standing Bet[w]een men were settelled the power
of God was upon president Young who is made By the power
of God A great Good & glorious man & a Father indeed to the
Church & kingdom of God
~ Sunday
24th Sunday Elder O Hyde Addressed the meeting & said
the floods in the western states Had been exceding High
so much so that many could not emigrate there were
about 700 waggons on the way. The spirit of emigration
was among all Nations the seas were white with the
sails of evry Nation who were emigrating to this country
to find a Home many might embrace the Gospel & come
to Zion & Help builb it up. The feelings of the Saints are
if I can get to the valley then I shall be Happy
then some want to go to Sanpete to Iron County &
& to Sandiego thien they would not be satisfyed & people
wish to emigrate to another world & think when they
get to Heaven their sorrow will end but their will
be things for us to reach after still when we are there &
it will continue through all Eternity. Their is many Novels
written & painted out but we do not want fals things to inter
est us. But Just look into the Book of Nature & evry
thing whether it looks up or down points to God. God is seen
in it all. Evry substance is surrounded with an Atmosphere
& in some respects shows what is within
He will have a chance. The Presidency & Twelve will fill in Eternity
those stations appointed them so with all men but I expect to
remain on this Earth untill I am able to create a world of my
own & people it the lord has given us rich portions of the Earth
to inherit we have been driven from tim to time from there
we now inherit a goodly land the best land on the Earth for
vegitation & it will be good for fruit & the people of the Earth
will yet come to us for fruit
~ Monday to ~ Thursday
28, 29, 30, 31 I spent in my Harvest field
~ Friday to ~ Saturday
Aug 1st & 2nd I spent harvesting I had 20 acres of wheat 5 acres
of 7 headed wheat was vary stout supposed to yield 60 or 70 bushels
to the acres I had 10 acres of touse & 5 acres of club
~ Sunday
3rd Sunday I attended meeting Dr Bernhisel accupyed the time
in the forenoon giving an account of his procedings in washington
also his obtaining a library for Deserett
~ Monday to ~ Saturday
4, 5, 6, 7, 8, & 9 I spent this week harvesting & going to Dr
Richards kanyon which was a horrid road
~ Sunday
10th Sunday I attended meeting Brother Babbit attended
meeting & addressed the assembly in the forenoon mostly upon the gospel
& priesthood
~ Monday to ~ Saturday
11, 12 & 13 14 15 & 16 I spent the time mowing & harvesting
~ Sunday to ~ Wednesday
17 Sunday I was unwell & was at home 18 19 & 20 I laboured
~ Thursday to ~ Saturday
[FIGURE] 21 22 & 23 I spent the time in council with some 40 or 50
men and they were some of the best days of my life much
good was done light truth & the power of God was manifest
difficulties of long standing between men were settelled the power
of God was upon president Young who is made by the power
of God a great good & glorious man & a Father indeed to the
church & kingdom of God
~ Sunday
24th Sunday Elder O Hyde addressed the meeting & said
the floods in the western states had been exceding high
so much so that many could not emigrate there were
about 700 waggons on the way. The spirit of emigration
was among all Nations the seas were white with the
sails of evry Nation who were emigrating to this country
to find a home many might embrace the Gospel & come
to Zion & help builb it up. The feelings of the saints are
if I can get to the valley then I shall be happy
then some want to go to Sanpete to Iron county &
& to Sandiego then they would not be satisfyed & people
wish to emigrate to another world & think when they
get to Heaven their sorrow will end but their will
be things for us to reach after still when we are there &
it will continue through all Eternity. Their is many Novels
written & painted out but we do not want fals things to inter
est us. But Just look into the Book of Nature & evry
thing whether it looks up or down points to God. God is seen
in it all. Evry substance is surrounded with an atmosphere
& in some respects shows what is within
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," July 27, 1851 - August 24, 1851, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 19, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/gJGj