7th I wrote A Letter to Br Wm Stewart & inclosed $435
dollars in Gold, And An order on O Smoot for $15, making
$50 in all which I send him for A Mule He let me have.
I wrote two other letters. Elder Appleby Arived in the city I went
to see him 5 m[iles]
~ Sunday
8th Sunday I met with the Saints And preached to them 3 times laid hands upon 4 Saints who were sick I had a good meeting
~ Monday
9th I paid for Aphek Woodrruff for Boots shoes &c $3.75
I done up packages & pamphlets for the Presidency in the valley
And A full file of the New York Herald And I wrote A page to W Richards And put into it many scraps of papers
Br Appleby Baptized 3 of his sons And 1 Daughter I confirmed
them And blessed them [FIGURE]
~ Tuesday
10th A rainy day I had An interview with Appleby & Crump I
deliverd to Br Appleby $21, $15 for A. O. Smoot And $6 for Aphek Woodruff to buy Groceries with. I wrote A O Smoot A letter. I called upon Mrs Mary Ann Banks 254 Seventh
street. I took tea with them herd excellent Music & went home
~ Wednesday
11th I wrote A letter to Aphek Woodruff & done up a bundle
of papers to A O Smoot, A. Woodruff J. Benbow & B Young. I
put my package in A Box & put in 4 lb of To 2 lbs tea for
Aphek Woodruff besides the main bundle. I had $2 for the
Above things of Crump. I met with the Saints had a good time
~ Thursday
12th The Saints took passage in a section Boat for Pittsburgh
8 from Recklestown 13 from New Haven & 50 from Philedelphia
total 71 they were much crowded & A great bustle in getting off
I took boat [rail] road to Beverly spent the night with Br Flagg 20 m
~ Friday
13th I spent several hours on the banks of the Deleware river & saw
the fisherman kcatch shad I saw them catch 100 to a haul. I walked
through Beverly & in the afternoon I took cars for Boardingtown
walked 5 miles to Caleb Wrights I was vary weary I spent
the night 20 m
~ Saturday
14th I Arose with sore feet in the morning & walked to Jacobs-
town & to Hornerstown I ought to have gone to Arnytown
I was sent 4 miles out of my way. the wind blew so hard
I could sccarsly walk against it I carried my carpet bag
& walked 10 miles with blistered toes & weary limbs I felt as though
I could Hardly get to Hornerstown I Arived At Elder Curtis at
noon vary weary & lame I took some dinner & went to bed. Wm Smith
had visited this region of country & drawn some 3 or 4 after him He
told many lies about the 12 & others 10 m
~ Sunday
15 Sunday I preached to the Saints at Hornerstown in the forenoon & evening
I spent the night with Br Curtis.
And the spirit of God was upon me when I wrote, I spoke of the
Judgments of God upon the Earth,
7th [FIGURE] I wrote a Letter to Br Wm Stewart & inclosed $35
dollars in Gold, and an order on O Smoot for $15, making
$50 in all which I send him for a mule he let me have.
I wrote two other letters. Elder Appleby arived in the city I went
to see him 5 m
~ Sunday
8th Sunday I met with the saints and preached to them 3 times laid hands upon 4 Saints who were sick I had a good meeting
~ Monday
9th I paid for Aphek Woodruff for boots shoes &c $3.75.
I done up packages & pamphlets for the Presidency in the valley
and a full file of the New York Herald and I wrote a page
[FIGURE] to W Richards and put into it many scraps of papers
Br Appleby baptized 3 of his sons and 1 Daughter I confirmed
them and blessed them
~ Tuesday
10th A rainy day I had an interview with Appleby & Crump I
deliverd to Br Appleby $21, $15 for A. O. Smoot and $6 for
Aphek Woodruff to buy groceries with, I wrote A O Smoot
[FIGURE] a letter. I called upon Mrs Mary Ann Banks 254 Seventh
street, I took tea with them herd excellent music & went home
~ Wednesday
11th [FIGURE] I wrote a letter to Aphek Woodruff & done up a bundle
of papers to A O Smoot, A. Woodruff J. Benbow & B Young. I
put my package in a box & put in 4 lb of T◊o 2 lbs tea for
Aphek Woodruff besides the main bundle, I had $2 for the
above things of Crump. I met with the Saints had a good time
~ Thursday
12th The Saints took passage in a section boat for Pittsburgh
8 from Reaklestown 13 from New Haven & 50 from Philedelphia
total 71 they were much crowded & a great bustle in getting off
I took boat rail road to Beverly spent the night with Br Flagg 20 m
~ Friday
13th I spent several hours on the banks of the Deleware river & saw
the fishermancatch shad I saw them catch 100 to a haul. I walked
through Beverly & in the afternoon I took cars for Beardingtown
walked 5 miles to Caleb Wrights I was vary weary I spent
the night 20 m
~ Saturday
14th I arose with sore feet in the morning & walked to Jacobstown & to Homerstown I ought to have gone to Arnytown
I was sent 4 miles out of my way, the wind blew so hard
I could scearsly walk against it I carried my Carpet bag
& walked 10 miles with blistered toes & weary limbs I felt as though
I could hardly get to Hornerstown I arived at Elder Curtis at
noon vary weary & lame I took some dinner & went to bed, Wm Smith
had visited this region of Country & drawn some 3 or 4 after him He
told many lies about the 12 & others 10 m
~ Sunday
15 Sunday I preached to the saints at Hornerstown in the forenoon & evening
I spent the night with Br Curtis.
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," April 5, 1849 - April 15, 1849, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 20, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/Dkx5