16th I left Hornerstown & rode with two young men to Toms
River our road lay through A level pine forest about 30 miles
almost one universal sand bed. there is A small village in the
midst of the pine forest called Manchester. I rode on a load of
plank 3500lbs drawn by 4 mules with wide tire yet they sun[k]
into the sand over the felly which made hard travelling. I calle[d]
at Anthony Ivins And spent the night 30 m[iles]
I preached in the evening to the Saints I had a severe cold
And sore throat
18th It rained in the morning. at Noon I went in company
with Br & Sister Wilber in their waggon through the pine plai[ns]
to Hornerstown. it Hailed snowed & rained hard on the road
we were cold when we got through we spent the night
when we got there at Elder Curtis 30 m
~ Thursday
19th I preached in the evening to a full House my cold & lungs
were better I talked vary plain to the people
~ Friday
20th I Baptized & confirmed 3 persons of Mr Wycolf family ^Stephen B Rose^
they have been believing many years. Joseph the Twelve
& others have visited them. I Blessed 4 children laid hands
upon 3 that were sick I then rode to Boardentown & called
upon Sister Fenting I took cars At 5 oclok saw an old bling [blind]
man fall from the cars onto the track & break his ribs &
He sufferd much I rode to Newark New Jesrsey & spent the
night with Br John Sanderson At Br Luke Provost distanc 75
22nd Sunday I preached in the Morning & Afternoon 1 was baptized
I confirmed him. I organized A branch & ordained 1 Elder a& Administered to 4 that were sick. we walked to Newark. I
preached & organized A Branch there ordained 1 Elder Administ[ered]
to 3 sick & spent the night there. I wrote A letter to O. 6 m Hyde & sent $1 for papers
~ Monday
23rd I took cars rode to New York herd that T. D. Brown from Liverpool had Arived in New York had waited A week to see me was
now about to leave for the west I went down immeditately to see
him found him at the Hotel opposite Jersey City ferry. our
meeting was one of Rejoicing we spent about 3 hours together
He had 9 in family wife children relatives &c He paid the
fare of About 40 families to Zion who went with Capt Jones & Spences He sent up also about $10000 dollars worth of goods to
the valley. He was known as A Latter Day Saint on the steem
ship & exherted a good influence so much so that the first
officers of the steemer with the Mates, clerk, peurser &c came to
see him leave the city for the west. I was introduced to them. I
took tea with him & family. He put £1 A sovereign into my hands at the
table. may the Lord bless him fourfold I pray. 15 miles
~ Monday
16th I left Hornerstown & rode with two young men to Toms
River our road lay through a level pine forest about 30 miles
almost one universal sand bed, there is a small village in the
midst of the pine forest called Manchester, I rode on a load of
plank 3500lbs drawn by 4 mules with wide tire yet they sunk
into the sand over the felly which made hard travelling I called
at Anthony Ivins and spent the night 30 m
I preached in the evening to the saints I had a severe cold
and sore throat
18th It rained in the morning, at Noon I went in company
with Br & Sister Wilber in their waggon through the pine plains
to Hornerstown, it hailed snowed & rained hard on the road
we were cold when we got through we spent the night
when we got there at Elder Curtis 30 m
~ Thursday
19th I preached in the evening to a full house my cold & lungs
were better I talked vary plain to the people
~ Friday
20th I baptized & confirmed 3 persons of Mr Wycolf family
they have been believing many years, Joseph the Twelve
& others have visited them. I blessed 4 children laid hands
upon 3 that were sick I then rode to Boardentown & called
upon Sister Fenting I took cars at 5 oclok saw an old blind
man fall from the cars onto the track & break his ribs &
he sufferd much I rode to Newark New Jersey & spent the
night with Br John Sanderson at Br Luke Provost distance 75 m
22nd Sunday I preached in the morning & afternoon 1 was baptized
I confirmed him, I organized a branch & ordained 1 Elder
& administered to 4 that were sick. we walked to Newark, I
preached & organized a branch there Ordained 1 Elder administered
to 3 sick & spent the night there, I wrote a letter to O.
[FIGURE] Hyde & sent $1 for papers 6 m
~ Monday
23rd I took cars rode to New York herd that T. D. Brown from
Liverpool had arived in New York had waited a week to see me was
now about to leave for the west I went down immediately to see
him found him at the Hotel opposite Jersey City ferry. our
meeting was one of Rejoicing we spent about 3 hours together
He had 9 in family wife children relatives &c He paid the
fare of about 40 families to Zion who went with Capt Jones &
Spences He sent up also about $10000 dollars worth of goods to
the valley. He was known as a Latter Day Saint on the Steem
Ship & exherted a good influence so much so that the first
officers of the Steemer with the Mates, Clerk, purser &c came to
see him leave the City for the west, I was introduced to them. I
took tea with him & family. He put £1 a sovereign into my hands at the
table, may the Lord bless him fourfold I pray. 15 miles
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," April 16, 1849 - April 23, 1849, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 17, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/ERy4