Holy if men are not Holy themselves I dont know of any particular
spot of ground that will make them so. Joseph Had to give written
revelation to get men to go on missions but I do not believe that any
men were ever called more by revelation or as much as any that were ever called to go on a mission to preach the gospel than
were our Brethren last fall nor do I believe any men wer filled
more with revelation & inspiration in blessing those set apart then
were our Brethren who blessed those set apart last fall their is no
other kingdom like this on the earth the Ancient Apostles had no more
of the spirit of God to prepare them for their work then our Apostles
have for the work which they have to perform in our day I would
say that the dispensation of Moses & Christ & the Apostles looks like this dis-
pensation though this dispensation will eclips all others dispensations
for it is the finishing up of the building Moses never began to do what
we have to do. I am of the opinion that men that Are our prophets
Apostles & leaders that have laid the foundation of this Church & kingdom
& are building upon it were reserved forom eternity to come forth
in this dispensation to accomplish the great work which is to be
done neve[r] did men live with more nerve desission of character
perseverance faith & power than those that lead this dispensation
Had they have lived in the days of the Apostles they would have raised
the devil with both Jew & Gentile. Had they have lived in the days of
Moses they would have raised the vary Devil with the Canaanites
& various Nations. the commencement of this Church & kingdom
may not appear as great as it did in the days of Moses & Christ & the
Apostles but look at the progress of this kingdom, & the deeds & work
of our leaders & the people are startling. even their exidous out of
the states to these mountains & the results that have & will follow
are greater than the results that followed Moses & the Israelites a
mighty great Nation have sent their Judges & rulers to us They
did not behave themselvs as they should do we cast them out &
sent them home if all the world was consolodated into one Nati[on]
& sent delegates & rulers unto us if they run against the priest-
hood & infringed upon our rights we would cast them out &
send them home regardless of consequences we know what the
consequences are.
I want to say to the mass of the Saints here
you do not keep up with the Presidency of this Church & those
that are associated with him & if you are not careful I fear
they will get out of sight of you & perhaps be translated & leve
you I pray God to keep you in the path of duty so that you may
inherit all the blessings that are promised you
President YoungKimball followed & said He believed we had more to do than
other dispensations yet they had the keys of the kingdom if they
had not had them they could not have given them to us Jesus says my
sheep hear my voice & will follow me if they dont pray I
think they are not the sheep of Christ if you dont ask the savio
saviour for what you want how do you expct to get it then ask
the Lord for what you want Brother Brigham holds the keys of
this kingdom & no body els holds them as he does others hold
keys but they hold them under him He holds the keys that Peter
held. some want to go to Calafornia whare it is warmer but
going to Calafornia wont warm your hearts the majority of
this people have great hearts & you want to be able to stand alone
without leaning upon any one if you dont do it you will be apt
to fall if I ever get to glory I expect to be tried some think they
Holy if men are not Holy themselves I dont know of any particular
spot of ground that will make them so. Joseph had to give written
Revelation to get men to go on missions but I do not believe that any
men were ever called more by Revelation
to go on a mission to preach the gospel than
were our Brethren last fall nor do I believe any men wer filled
more with Revelation & inspiration in blessing those set apart then
were our Brethren who blessed those set apart last fall their is no
other kingdom like this on the Earth the Ancient Apostles had no more
of the spirit of God to prepare them for their work then our Apostles
have for the work which they have to perform in our day I would
say that the dispensation of Moses & Christ & the Apostles looks like this dispensation though this dispensation will eclips all other dispensations
for it is the finishing up of the building Moses never began to do what
we have to do. I am of the opinion that men that are our prophets
Apostles & leaders that have laid the foundation of this Church & kingdom
& are building upon it were reserved from Eternity to come forth
in this dispensation to accomplish the great work which is to be
done never did men live with more nerve desission of character
perseverance faith & power than those that lead this dispensation
Had they have lived in the days of the Apostles they would have raised
the devil with both Jew & Gentile. Had they have lived in the days of
Moses they would have raised the vary Devil with the Canaanites
& various Nations. the commencement of this Church & Kingdom
may not appear as great as it did in the days of Moses & Christ & the
Apostles but look at the progress of this kingdom. & the deeds & work
of Our leaders & the people are startling. even their exidous out of
the states to these mountains & the results that have & will follow
are greater than the results that followed Moses & the Israelites a
mighty great Nation have sent their Judges & rulers to us They
did not behave themselvs as they should do we cast them out &
sent them home if all the world was consolodated into one Nation
& sent delegates & rulers unto us if they run against the priesthood & infringed upon our rights we would cast them out &
send them home regardless of consequences we know what the
consequences are.
I want to say to the mass of the saints here
you do not keep up with the Presidency of this Church & those
that are associated with him & if you are not careful I fear
they will get out of sight of you & perhaps be translated & leve
you I pray God to keep you in the path of duty so that you may
inherit all the blessings that are promised you
President Kimball followed & said he believed we had more to do than
other dispensations yet they had the Keys of the kingdom if they
had not had them they could not have given them to us Jesus says my
sheep hear my voice & will follow me if they dont pray I
think they are not the sheep of Christ if you dont ask the savio
saviour for what you want how do you expect to get it then ask
the Lord for what you want Brother Brigham holds the Keys of
this Kingdom & no body els holds them as he does others hold
keys but they hold them under him He holds the keys that Peter
held. some want to go to Calafornia whare it is warmer but
going to Calafornia wont warm your hearts the majority of
this people have great hearts & you want to be able to stand alone
without leaning upon any one if you dont do it you will be apt
to fall if I ever get to glory I expect to be tried some think they
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," February 13, 1853, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 13, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/zpzq