been tryed by leaving their homes but how is it you was on other
mens lands & servants & now you have houses & lands of your own
so this was no great trial but a blessing but you have to be tried. we
are going to build up a Temple I expect the devil will kick up a fuss
by & by to try you well Let it come I hope the chaff will be blown
away but when Brother Brigham says build this Temple let us go to
it rit up. Some have asked if we could do any more good in the
States I say yes when those that profess to be saints will gather
out & not much before
B Young followed & said if the people will be on the Temple ground
to morrow at 11 oclok we will break the ground for the commencement
of the foundation of the Temple. I do not believe that Enoch & his
people eincresed in wrighteousnes faith & obedience & improved any
faster than this people have since the commencem[en]t of this kingdom
I said this in the days of Joseph I have no doubt but God expcts
us to improve more than any other people that ever lived on the
earth then let us double our dilligence & let the parents both men
& women never scease untill they govern themselves in all things
and if we are tempted to do wrong never scease untill we conquor
that spirit & bring it in subjection under your feet that you may ere
long become rulers kings & Priest unto God
~ Monday
[FIGURE] Feb 14th 1853 This was an important and interesting
day to the saints in the valley & even in all the world the saints
met upon the Temple block in a vast body to break the ground
for another Temple the people commenced gathering at an
early hour & at 11 oclok there were thousands upon the
ground President Young & counsel The quorum of the Twelve
with many of the quorums of the Church were on the ground. All the bands
of music in the city were present. at 11 oclok President Brigham Young Heber C Kimball & Willard Richards got into a Buggy inside
the square surrounded by the quorum of the Twelve President Young
arose and addressed the people and said our history is to well
known for me to speak of it now. We shall now again attempt
to build another Temple we have tried it many times bet have
not been able to finished them so as to occupy them for any length
of time we may not now but we will triy it we may Just as
well build a Temple that will cost a Million of dollars as well
as not & we would be just as well off & better to than before
And I would just as well build a Temple that would cost
a million of Dollars if I knew we should be driven from
it in a month by our enemies as though we should occupy
it a Thousand years it is all the same with me for when the
Lords commands us to do any thing we should do it just
as freely without asking the whys & wharefore whether we have
the privilege of enjoying it or not. If you ask if it is the will of
God for us to build a Temple I answer yes it is the will of God
we should build a Temple we cannot attend to the ordinances of
the House of the Lord without it. If you ask if I have received a
revelation or vision upon the subject I would answer yes I
have been in vision much of the time upon the subject I knew it
was the will of God that we should build a Temple on thise same
ground when I first came into the valley and while the brethren
were exploring out I said all the time this is the place for the city & Temple
been tryed by leaving their homes but how is it you was on other
mens lands & servants & now you have houses & lands of your own
so this was no great trial but a blessing but you have to be tried. we
are going to build up a Temple I expect the devil will kick up a fuss
by & by to try you well Let it come I hope the chaff will be blown
away but when Brother Brigham says build this Temple let us go to
it rit up. Some have asked if we could do any more good in the
States I say yes when those that profess to be saints will gather
out & not much before
B Young followed & said if the people will be on the Temple ground
to morrow at 11 oclok we will break the ground for the commencement
of the foundation of the Temple. I do not believe that Enoch & his
peopleincreased in wrighteousnes faith & obedience & improved any
faster than this people have since the commencement of this Kingdom
I said this in the days of Joseph I have no doubt but God expects
us to improve more than any other people that ever lived on the
Earth then let us double our dilligence & let the parents both men
& women never scease untill they govern themselves in all things
and if we are tempted to do wrong never scease untill we conquor
that spirit & bring it in subjection under your feet that you may ere
long become rulers Kings & Priest unto God
~ Monday
[FIGURE] Feb 14th 1853 This was an important and interesting
day to the saints in the valley & even in all the world the saints
met upon the Temple block in a vast body to break the ground
for another Temple the people commenced gathering at an
early hour & at 11 oclok there were thousands upon the
ground President Young & Counsel The quorum of the Twelve
with many of the quorums of the Church were on the ground. All the bands
of music in the City were present. at 11 oclok President Brigham Young
Heber C Kimball & Willard Richards got into a buggy inside
the square surrounded by the quorum of the Twelve President Young
arose and addressed the people and said our history is to well
known for me to speak of it now. We shall now again attempt
to build another Temple we have tried it many times bet have
not been able to finish them so as to occupy them for any length
of time we may not now but we will try it we may Just as
well build a Temple that will cost a Million of dollars as well
as not & we would be just as well off & better to than before
And I would just as well build a Temple that would cost
a million of Dollars if I knew we should be driven from
it in a month by our enemies as though we should occupy
it a Thousand years it is all the same with me for when the
Lords Commands us to do any thing we should do it just
as freely without asking the whys & wharefore whether we have
the privilege of enjoying it or not. If you ask if it is the will of
God for us to build a Temple I answer yes it is the will of God
we should build a Temple we cannot attend to the ordinances of
the House of the Lord without it. If you ask if I have received a
revelation or vision upon the subject I would answer yes I
have been in vision much of the time upon the subject I knew it
was the will of God that we should build a Temple on the same
ground when I first came into the valley and while the brethren
were exploring out I said all the time this is the place for the City & Temple
"Journal (January 1, 1847 – December 31, 1853)," February 13, 1853 - February 14, 1853, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 8, 2025,