been during this period that has performed a very
large portion of his missionary, legislative and
pioneer services. We shall sadly miss him in the
quorum with which he has been so long identified, and
of which he was at the time of his death one of the
oldest members. We shall miss his mature consid-
eration, his deliberate thought, his experienced ad-
vices—all most needful at a time when the powers
of evil are assailing us in so many directions.
But we thank the Lord that though from time
to time He takes from us those who, as men, we
trust the most fondly, yet He leaves us not entirely
to ourselves, but continues unto us the signs of his
approval. We are comforted with the assurance
that this is His Kingdom, and that He rules in
the heavens and upon the earth; and that from
the fall of a sparrow to the death of an Apostle
all is known unto Him, and nothing happens
without his sanction. [Matthew 10:29]
And further, brethren and sisters, are
we not the sons and daughters of God, and when
He shall appear, if we are faithful, shall we not
be like Him? Yes; and when that glorious day
arrives we shall once more have the privilege of
standing upon this earth and meeting in joy
and thanksgiving, not only our brother who has