purity of character. Let a man possess these,
let his heart be true and unflinching, let his life
be pure, and then, if we add to these humility,
he is proof against a multitude of weaknesses and
can resist a host of temptations. We all have our
weaknesses; God has permitted them that we
might be taught humility in ourselves and charity
toward others. We none of us are perfect whilst
we dwell in the flesh; but the man who in
humble reliance upon God never falters in the
fight for the right, never wavers in his allegiance to
the truth, and ever maintains inviolate his covenants,
is one whom we can all pause to admire and strive,
by Heaven's help, to imitate. Such men are few
when compared with the unnumbered hosts who have
peopled this earth of ours; but we thank God that
we do find them more abundantly in the midst of
the Saints, holding the Holy Priesthood and in things the most sacred ever bestowed upon
humanity. Among these we find in the front
ranks ^is^ our esteemed brother whose mortal remains are
about to be consigned to the tomb.
For nearly forty years Brother
has been one of the Twelve Apostles of the Lord Jesus.
To this calling he has given the strength of his
prime and the wisdom of his later years. It has