Dec 2nd Sunday our circumstances were of such a nature we were oblieged to remove from the Inn whare we
spent the night Phebe feels as though she had but a breath of life left in her body I carried her into the waggon & drove 2
miles at the house of Mr Makinzie & put up for the present at least untill Phebe recovers her health in some degree
or departs this life we went into a house by ourselves which was much better than to be crouded by other families how
long we shall tarry here the Lord ownly knows. Brother Thomas passed us again to day Brother Townsend was
quite sick after geting my wife & things into the house & my horses put out I confined myself to the taking
care of my wife which to human appearance is at the gate of death she called me to her bedside in the evening
& said she felt as though a few moments more would end her existance in this life & manifested
great confidence in the cause she had embraced & exhorted us to confidence & in God & to keep his
commandments & to appearance was a dying but she again revived as on the day before I prayed
with her & lade hands upon her & commended [her] unto God she revived & slept some during the night 2 [miles]
~ Monday
3rd I spent the day taking care of my companion who is still alive these are days of trial but may the Lord
scantify [sanctify] them to my good I pray
~ Tuesday
4thPhebe is still vary feeble & low I returned to Eaton to get some necessarys for her I felt the power of
the destroyer resting upon me in the fore part of the day. in the evening Phebe for the first time during her sickness
began to lay hold on faith for her recovery her faith was strong in God we laid hold on faith together repented
of all our sins & confessed them before God & covenanted to keep his commandments I had some oil that
was consecrated for my anointing while in kirtland I again consecrated it befor God for anointing the sick I
bowed myself down before the Lord & prayed with my companion & anointed her [with] oil in the name of the
Lord I laid my hands upon her in the name of JESUS CHRIST and rebuked the fever the destroyier
the deadly malidy that was praying upon hesr soystem & thank God we both obtained a great blessing in
so doing & according to her faith her fever left her & praised be the name of GOD for we will ever keep
his commandments & trust in him Praise the Lord O my soul for all of his wonderful acts
~ Wednesday
5th I spent the day in reading meditation & prayer
~ Sunday
Dec 2nd Sunday our circumstances were of such a nature we were oblieged to remove from the Inn whare we
spent the night Phebe feels as though she had but a breath of life left in her body I carried her into the waggon & drove 2
miles at the house of Mr Makinzie & put up for the present at least untill Phebe recovers her health in some degree
or departs this life we went into a house by ourselves which was much better than to be crouded by other families how
long we shall tarry here the Lord ownly knows. Brother Thomas passed us again to day Brother Townsend was
quite sick after geting my wife & things into the house & my horses put out I confined myself to the taking
care of my wife which to human appearance is at the gate of death she called me to her bedside in the evening
& said she felt as though a few moments more would end her existance in this life & manifested
great confidence in the cause she had embraced & exhorted us to confidence & in God & to keep his
commandments & to appearance was a dying but she again revived as on the day before I prayed
with her & lade hands upon her & commended her unto God she revived & slept some during the night 2
~ Monday
3rd I spent the day taking care of my companion who is still alive these are days of trial but may the Lord
sanctify them to my good I pray
~ Tuesday
4th Phebe is still vary feeble & low I returned to Eaton to get some necessarys for her I felt the power of
the destroyer resting upon me in the fore part of the day, in the evening Phebe for the first time during her sickness
began to lay hold on faith for her recovery her faith was strong in God we laid hold on faith together repented
of all our sins & confessed them before God & covenanted to keep his commandments I had some oil that
was consecrated for my anointing while in Kirtland I again consecrated it befor God for anointing the sick I
bowed myself down before the Lord & prayed with my companion & anointed her with oil in the name of the
Lord I laid my hands upon her in the name of JESUS CHRIST and rebuked the fever the destroyier
the deadly malidy that was praying upon her system & thank God we both obtained a great blessing in
so doing & according to her faith her fever left her & praised be the name of GOD for we will ever keep
his commandments & trust in him Praise the Lord O my soul for all of his wonderful acts
~ Wednesday
5th I spent the day in reading meditation & prayer
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"Journal (January 1, 1838 – December 31, 1839)," December 2, 1838 - December 5, 1838, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 2, 2025,