But we do not arrive at this at once. As an Apostle said we have precept
upon precept line upon line here a little and there a little [Isaiah 28:10] until we
arrive at a fulness of knowledge and glory even that fulness which
reigns in the heavens
We must begin to be governed by law here
before we are prepared to receive the fulness that reigns in Heaven.
The whole law has not been given and you cannot abide the whole as
yet. If it had all been given we should all have been smashed
up and destroyed. A people must become acquainted thoroughly
with law before they can abide it; but the time has come when
we must have law and order in our midst
There has been some feelings of late in the
Camp because some unruly boys have been floged by the Marshall
for their wickedness; but if this Camp is not willing to let law
and order reign here and put a stop to such wickedness wish
you to let me know it and I will go away from you for those
who wish to sustain crime and corruption let them return and
strike hands with the mob and carry out their principles and be
damned. But if you want to do right say so. This people
have been driven here for their desires to do righteousness and
this wickedness shall be put a stop to that has been manifest in
the camp by certain young people of late. Yes it will be
stopped if God comes out and smites it by judgement. The
Marshall did not whip them hard enough or they would not
have spit out their revenge but it would have been whipped
out of them. If I am drove to the necessity of whipping
a person in such a case they will not spit out revenge afterwards
for I will whip it out of them.
Shall we any longer sustain in our midst
men who will carry out the principles of and
other corrupt scoundrils^?^ No: I will sware by the Eternal
God of Heaven that such conduct shall be stopped and shall
not be permitted in this Camp for if they continue it I will
But we do not arrive at this at once. As an Apostle said we have precept
upon precept line upon line here a little and there a little until we
arrive at a fulness of knowledge and glory even that fulness which
reigns in the heavens
We must begin to be governed by law here
before we are prepared to receive the fulness that reigns in Heaven.
The whole law has not been given and you cannot abide the whole as
yet. If it had all been given we should all have been smashed
up and destroyed. A people must become acquainted thoroughly
with law before they can abide it; but the time has come when
we must have law and order in our midst
There has been some feelings of late in the
Camp because some unruly boys have been floged by the Marshall
for their wickedness; but if this Camp is not willing to let law
and order reign here and put a stop to such wickedness I wish
you to let me know it and I will go away from you for those
who wish to sustain crime and corruption let them return and
strike hands with the mob and carry out their principles and be
damned. But if you want to do right say so. This people
have been driven here for their desires to do righteousness and
this wickedness shall be put a stop to that has been manifest in
the camp by certain young people of late. Yes it will be
stopped if God comes out and smites it by judgement. The
Marshall did not whip them hard enough or they would not
have spit out their revenge but it would have been whipped
out of them. If I am drove to the necessity of whipping
a person in such a case they will not spit out revenge afterwards
for I will whip it out of them.
Shall we any longer sustain in our midst
men who will carry out the principles of and
other corrupt scoundrils? No: I will sware by the Eternal
God of Heaven that such conduct shall be stopped and shall
not be permitted in this Camp for if they continue it I will