tell the Marshall what the law is and they shall be taken care off
in a manner that they will not whine and will whip any man
who will sustain it. And I prophesy in the name of God
that such a man whether old or young shall be bowed down with
sorrow and mourning even more than this people have. Then
stop before you further go and not sport upon the brink of
sorrow and mourning. This people have the law of liberty
and the Gospel and the more the light and liberty and greater
the privileges the stricter the law. We are going into the
wilderness and shall we suffer such things? No: I sware by
the Eternal God such things shall not be while Brigham
Brother gave a good shot
when he said that no man would run into his waggon and
sware that he would shoot the Marshall if he came after him
except he was guilty of crime. No man is affraid except
he is guilty. No man need be affraid who does right.
I defy the world to say that I have taken away ^any^ man's right^s^ but
after we have been driven into the wilderness we are still followed
by men who sware that they will steal what they get in our
midst. I sware t^T^hey shall not have it in our midst
Some young Elders who never preached
a sermon in their lives are affaid that I shall have more
blessings than they or more wives or something or other but let
them go and preach the world over as I have in poverty and
distress with blood in my shoes and spent years and years
at it and left my wife and children who have also suffered much;
let them do as we have done and they will not be jealous of me
about blessings. If the Lord should give me a thousand
woman is it any man's business. No. Let such go and
spend as much time as I have and there will be many
clinging on to their skirts to be saved
The majority of the men of the Gentile
tell the Marshall what the law is and they shall be taken care off
in a manner that they will not whine and will whip any man
who will sustain it. And I prophesy in the name of God
that such a man whether old or young shall be bowed down with
sorrow and mourning even more than this people have. Then
stop before you further go and not sport upon the brink of
sorrow and mourning. This people have the law of liberty
and the Gospel and the more the light and liberty and greater
the privileges the stricter the law. We are going into the
wilderness and shall we suffer such things? No: I sware by
the Eternal God such things shall not be while Brigham
Brother gave a good shot
when he said that no man would run into his waggon and
sware that he would shoot the Marshall if he came after him
except he was guilty of crime. No man is afraid except
he is guilty. No man need be afraid who does right
I defy the world to say that I have taken away any man's rights but
after we have been driven into the wilderness we are still followed
by men who sware that they will steal what they get in our
midst.They shall not have it
Some young Elders who never preached
a sermon in their lives are afaid that I shall have more
blessings than they or more wives or something or other but let
them go and preach the world over as I have in poverty and
distress with blood in my shoes and spent years and years
at it and left my wife and children who have also suffered much,
let them do as we have done and they will not be jealous of me
about blessings. If the Lord should give me a thousand
woman is it any man's business. No. Let such go and
spend as much time as I have and there will be many
clinging on to their skirts to be saved
The majority of the men of the Gentile