of men, for the Lord has put into
our hands the power to build up his
Zion upon the earth, never more to
be thrown down, and this is what no
other generation has ever been called
to do. But although this is the mis-
sion of the Latter-day Saints, we
have a continual warfare to wage—a
warfare with the powers of darkness,
and a warfare with ourselves. The
ancients had a similar experience to
pass through—they had their day
of trials, troubles and tribulations.
labored three hundred and
sixty-five years in building up Zion,
and he had the opposition of the
whole world. But the Lord blessed
him so that he maintained his ground
for that length of time, and gathered
together a few out of the nations of
the earth, and they were sanctified
before the Lord, and he had to take
them away, and the saying went forth
—"Zion is fled." [Moses 7:68-69] So you may trace
down all the Prophets. Read the
history of , ,
and others, and you will find that it
was a warfare with them all the way
through. And so with Jesus and the
Apostles. But all those dispensa-
tions have passed and gone into the
spirit world, and they have their eyes
upon us, and in fact God our and all under him—the whole
heavenly host, have their eyes turned
towards the Latter-day Saints, be-
cause this is the great
of which , Enoch and all the
ancient patriarchs and Prophets have
spoken, in which shall take place the
final redemption of the , the restoration of their king-
dom, the rebuilding of their city and
Temple, the restoration of their
oracles and Priesthood, of the , and the preparation
for the final winding up scene in the
last days; all these things will take
place in the dispensation in which we
are permitted to live.
Let us, then, try and fulfill and
perform our duties as good Latter-day
Saints. Let us bear with each other’s
faults, and bear the yoke of Christ,
live our religion and keep the com-
mandments of God. Let us try and
bring up our children in the nurture
and admonition of the Lord. [Ephesians 6:4] Let
us set them good examples and teach
them good principles while they are
young. They are given to us by our
heavenly Father; they are our king-
dom, they are the foundation of our
exaltation and glory; they are plants
of renown, and we should strive to
bear them up before the Lord, and
teach them to pray to, and to have
faith in, the Lord as far as we can,
that when we are passed and gone
and they succeed us on this stage of
action, they may bear off the great
latter-day work and kingdom of God
upon the earth. I do not believe
that the day is very far distant when
the revelations which God has given
concerning the last days will have
their fulfillment. I believe there are
many children now living in the
mountains of Israel who will never
taste of death, that is, they will dwell
on the earth at the of the
Lord Jesus Christ. I will acknowledge
that there is a great deal to be done,
and the Lord has not revealed to man
the day or the hour, but he has re-
vealed the generation; and the fig
trees are now putting forth their
leaves in the eyes of all the nations,
indicating the near approach of the
second coming of the Son of Man.
It is my faith that hundreds and
thousands of the children that have
been given to us will be alive in the
flesh when Christ comes in the clouds
of heaven in power and great glory.
The Lord will not disappoint the
inhabitants of the earth in these last
days in regard to his second coming,
any more than he has with regard to
other great events and dispensations.
of men, for the Lord has put into
our hands the power to build up his
Zion upon the earth, never more to
be thrown down, and this is what no
other generation has ever been called
to do. But although this is the mission of the Latter-day Saints, we
have a continual warfare to wage—a
warfare with the powers of darkness,
and a warfare with ourselves. The
ancients had a similar experience to
pass through—they had their day
of trials, troubles and tribulations.
labored three hundred and
sixty-five years in building of Zion,
and he had the opposition of the
whole world. But the Lord blessed
him so that he maintained his ground
for that length of time, and gathered
together a few out of the nations of
the earth, and they were sanctified
before the Lord, and he had to take
them away, and the saying went forth
—"Zion is fled." So you may trace
down all the Prophets. Read the
history of , ,
and others, and you will find that it
was a warfare for them all the way
through. And so with Jesus and the
Apostles. But all those dispensations have passed and gone into the
spirit world, and they have their eyes
upon us, and in fact God our heavenly
Father and all under him—the whole
heavenly host, have their eyes turned
towards the Latter-day Saints, because this is the great dispensation
of which , Enoch and all the
ancient patriarchs and Prophets have
spoken, in which shall take place the
final redemption of the House of
Israel, the restoration of their kingdom, the rebuilding of their city and
Temple, the restoration of their
oracles and Priesthood, of the Urim
and Thummim, and the preparation
for the final winding up scene in the
last days; all these things will take
place in the dispensation in which we
are permitted to live.
Let us, then, try and fulfill and
perform our duties as good Latter-day
Saints. Let us bear with each other’s
faults, and bear the yoke of Christ,
live our religion and keep the commandments of God. Let us try and
bring up our children in the nurture
and admonition of the Lord. Let
us set them good examples and teach
them good principles while they are
young. They are given to us by our
heavenly Father; they are our kingdom, they are the foundation of our
exaltation and glory; they are plants
of renown, and we should strive to
bear them up before the Lord, and
teach them to pray to, and to have
faith in, the Lord as far as we can,
that when we are past and gone
and they succeed us on this stage of
action, they may bear off the great
latter-day work and kingdom of God
upon the earth. I do not believe
that the day is very far distant when
the revelations which God has given
concerning the last days will have
their fulfillment. I believe there are
many children now living in the
mountains of Israel who will never
taste death, that is, they will dwell
on the earth at the coming of the
Lord Jesus Christ. I will acknowledge
that there is a great deal to be done,
and the Lord has not revealed to man
the day or the hour, but he has revealed the generation; and the fig
trees are now putting forth their
leaves in the eyes of all the nations,
indicating the near approach of the
second coming of the Son of Man.
It is my faith that hundreds and
thousands of the children that have
been given to us will be alive in the
flesh when Christ comes in the clouds
of heaven in power and great glory.
The Lord will not disappoint the
inhabitants of the earth in these last
days in regard to his second coming,
any more than he has with regard to
other great events and dispensations.