baptism seven offered themselves, 4four were preachers, among
the number ^offered^ offered for baptism was the constable. He arose &
said Mr Woodruff I would like to be baptized, I told
him I would like to to baptize him, I went down
to the pool & baptized the seven we then met together
and I confirmed thirteen, & broak bread unto the
and we all rejoiced together. The constable went
to the and told him that if he wanted Mr
Woodruff taken up for he must go
himself and serve the writ, for he had ^heard^ her him
preach the ownly true gospel sermon he had ever
heard in his life. The rector did not know what
to make of it, and he sent two clerks of the
Church of England ads ^as^ spies to attend our meeting
to see what we did preach but they were both
pricked in their hearts, and received the word of God
gladly & were baptized and confirmed members of the
, and the
rector became alarmed & dare not send any body
^els^ but the Ministers & rectors of the Church of England
of the South of called a convention and sent
a petition to the of to petition
parliment to pass a Law to prohibit the Mormons
baptism seven offered themselves,four were preachers, among
the number offered for baptism was the constable. He arose &
said Mr Woodruff I would like to be baptized, I told
him I would like to baptize him, I went down
to the pool & baptized the seven we then met together
and I confirmed thirteen, & broak bread unto the
Saints and we all rejoiced together. The constable went
to the rector and told him that if he wanted Mr
Woodruff taken up for preaching the Gospel he must go
himself and serve the writ, for he had heard him
preach the ownly true gospel sermon he had ever
heard in his life. The rector did not know what
to make of it, and he sent two clerks of the
Church of England as spies to attend our meeting
to see what we did preach but they were both
pricked in their hearts, and received the word of God
gladly & were baptized and confirmed members of the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and the
rector became alarmed & dare not send any body
els but the Ministers & rectors of the Church
of the South of England called a convention and sent
a petition to the Lord Bishop of to petition
parliment to pass a Law to prohibit the Mormons