March 14th Walked to the post office & returned to Father Luce's & spent the night distance of the day 10 m
~ Thursday
15 I held a prayer meeting at Mr Ebenezar Carver's & spent the night at father Luce. Distance 4 miles
~ Friday
16 I walked to Br Starretts & spent the night I found them in affliction I prayed with them {and laid on hands} 3 miles
~ Saturday
17 I spent the day in visiting friends & the night with Br M. Luce. Distance 6 miles
~ Sunday
18 Sunday I Preached at Father Luce's & also in the evening
~ Monday
19 walked in company with Mother Luce & Mrs Woodruff to Benjamin Stone from thence to wid[ow] Veril's also to
Mr Ebenezer Carver's we spent the night at his house I receieved a letter from Sister Hale Distance 4 miles
~ Tuesday
20 walked to Mr David McMullen & spent the night at his house 2 miles
~ Wednesday
201 Walked to Brother David Stones & spent the night at his house Elder J. Ball left the Island this day to return
to his friends in the city of Boston. I am now left to labour again alone upon these Islands
~ Thursday
22 We walked to Br Starrett. In the afternoon Br Starrett & myself at a low tide went on to a bar to dig some
calams. Sister Stone & Mrs Woodruff came out to see us dig the clams & while we were busily engaged in this
employment the tide arose & flowed between us & the shore & we were under the necessity of wadeing acrooss the
water ourselves & carrying the women to the shore in an arm chair, and after concluding we should not forget the
place we returned to the house with our clams. We had a prayer meeting at night at Br Sterrett 2 miles
24 I wrote a letter to Br & Sister J. H. Hale at Kirtland. There is great excitement throughout the U. S. A.
concerning the death of Mr CILLEY a representative in congress from Thomaston state of Maine who was killed
in a duel on the 24 of Feb by Mr GRAVES of Kentucky also a member of the same body. Mr Cilley was
shot through the heart with a rifle on the fourth fire at the distance of eighty yards. Congress is in uproar
& finally the whole nation is in trouble the hand of God is resting upon her because of the wickedness of
the people. Bloody wars & sore distress are at the doors of America & the faces will all soon gather blackness
because they have polluted this goodly land & all the judgments will soon come upon you O ye proud gentiles
that the Bible & Book of Mormon declare against you
~ Sunday
25 Sunday Preached at Br Starrett's & had an interesting Prayer meeting at night
~ Wednesday
March 14th Walked to the post office & returned to Father Luce's & spent the night distance of the day 10 m
~ Thursday
15 I held a prayer meeting at Mr Ebenezar Carver's & spent the night at father Luce. Distance 4 miles
~ Friday
16 I walked to Br Starretts & spent the night I found them in affliction I prayed with them {and laid on hands} 3 miles
~ Saturday
17 I spent the day in visiting friends & the night with Br M. Luce. Distance 6 miles
~ Sunday
18 Sunday I Preached at Father Luce's & also in the evening
20 walked to Mr David McMullen & spent the night at his house 2 miles
~ Wednesday
21 walked to Brother David Stones & spent the night at his house Elder J. Ball left the Island this day to return
to his friends in the City of Boston I am now left to labour again alone upon these Islands
~ Thursday
22 We walked to Br Starrett. In the afternoon Br Starrett & myself at a low tide went on to a bar to dig some
clams. Sister Stone & Mrs Woodruff came out to see us dig the clams & while we were busily engaged in this
employment the tide arose & flowed between us & the shore & we were under the necessity of wadeing across the
water ourselves & carrying the women to the shore in an arm chair, and after concluding we should not forget the
place we returned to the house with our clams. We had a prayer meeting at night at Br Sterrett 2 miles
24 I wrote a letter to [FIGURE] Br & Sister J. H. Hale at Kirtland. There is great excitement throughout the U.S.A.
concerning the death of Mr CILLEY a representative in congress from Thomaston state of Maine who was killed
in a duel on the 24 of Feb by Mr GRAVES of Kentucky also a member of the same body. Mr Cilley was
shot through the heart with a rifle on the fourth fire at the distance of eighty yards. Congress is in uproar
& finally the whole nation is in trouble the hand of God is resting upon her because of the wickedness of
the people. Bloody wars & sore distress are at the doors of America & the faces will all soon gather blackness
because they have polluted this goodly land & all the judgments will soon come upon you O ye proud gentiles
that the Bible & Book of Mormon declare against you
~ Sunday
25 Sunday Preached at Br Starrett's & had an interesting Prayer meeting at night
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"Journal (January 1, 1838 – December 31, 1839)," March 14, 1838 - March 25, 1838, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 30, 2025,