we took breakfast at the Portland Hotel I wrote
6 [FIGURE] Letter to Ovando, OwenBlanche & Jack
& told him the mistake
Mad[e] in Not preparing Asahel
with tickets we spent the
day at the portland Hotel
we went on board of
the State of Calafornia
at 8 oc and saild through
the Night quite smoothly
~ Sunday
16 ^Sunday^ quite cloudy we took
breakfast at 8 [oc]
sea rather smooth we
saw som whals we had
a rather smooth sea all
the way I find I can
both eat & sleep
We took breakfast at the
Portland Hotel I wrote
6 [FIGURE] Letter to Ovando,
OwenBlanche & Jack
& told him the mistake
Made in Not preparing Asahel
with tickets we spent the
day at the Portland Hotel
we went on board of
the State of California
at 8 oc and sailed through
the night quite smoothly
16 Sunday quite cloudy we took
breakfast at 8 c
Sea qutte smooth we
saw som whales we had
a rather smooth sea all
the way I find I can
both eat & sleep
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