we took cars at 7 oclock
for PortlandMistakeabt
about ticketsAsahel was
supposed to have got the tickets
but there was Nothing said
to him about it but when
we got aboard we Met with MrE Burly whoo is the
superintndet of the Road
He gave us passes & both
tickets so we got along we
travelld all night Direc
tly we travelld all Day in
terrible Dus[t] & all night
^[Distance]^ in the Midst of Terrible Dust
we arived at Portland in the
Morning I find I takfeel better
Aug 13 1896
We took Cars at 7 oclock
for Portland Mistake
about ttetinsAsahel was
supposed to have got the tickets
but there was nothing said
to him about it but when
we got aboard we Met with
Mr E Burly who is the
superintndet of the Road
He gave us passes & both
tickets so we got along we
traveled all night direc
tly we traveled all Day in
terrible Dust & all night
in the Midst of
we arrived at Portland in the
Morning I find I feel better
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