. So in all ages they have been unpopular. So was
. He laid down his life for the word of God and . He has gone into the , and he will receive his
reward there. He was a Prophet of God. He laid the foundation of a
great work. It is by that same power that we are here to-day, and the
is in all these matters. We wish to do all the good we can
what little time we spend in the flesh, and I feel in my heart to say, God
bless you, God bless my friends and those who visit us, and bless all men
that try to do what is right. As long as we do what is right we will re-
ceive the blessings of God. As has been said here to-day, every man,
except the , will receive some kind of salvation. There
is one glory of the sun, there is another glory of the moon, there is another
glory of the stars, and as one star differs from another star in glory, so
also will it be in the resurrection. All of us will be judged according to
the deeds done in the body. We have but a little time to live upon the
earth. If we live to be a hundred years old, it is a very short span when
compared with eternity. We are here upon a mission, and a few of us
have been called to labor in preaching the Gospel. We have done what
we could in this matter, that our garments might be clean from the blood
of all men.
I pray that the may guide and direct us, and give us
wisdom in all that we do, that when we go into the presence of God we
may be counted worthy to receive salvation and , for Jesus'
sake. Amen.
. So in all ages they have been unpopular. So was
. He laid down his life for the word of God and . He has gone into the , and he will receive his
reward there. He was a Prophet of God. He laid the foundation of a
great work. It is by that same power that we are here to-day, and the
is in all these matters. We wish to do all the good we can
what little time we spend in the flesh, and I feel in my heart to say, God
bless you, God bless my friends and those who visit us, and bless all men
that try to do what is right. As long as we do what is right we will receive the blessings of God. As has been said here to-day, every man,
except the , will receive some kind of salvation. There
is one glory of the sun, there is another glory of the moon, there is another
glory of the stars, and as one star differs from another star in glory, so
also will it be in the resurrection. All of us will be judged according to
the deeds done in the body. We have but a little time to live upon the
earth. If we live to be a hundred years old, it is a very short span when
compared with eternity. We are here upon a mission, and a few of us
have been called to labor in preaching the Gospel. We have done what
we could in this matter, that our garments might be clean from the blood
of all men.
I pray that the may guide and direct us, and give us
wisdom in all that we do, that when we go into the presence of God we
may be counted worthy to receive salvation and , for Jesus'
sake. Amen.