came ripened in iniquity, the Lord raised up humble, honest men to warn
kings, rulers, and those that inhabited those cities, that the judgments of
God would overtake them if they did not repent. Read the history of
, of , of , of , of , and of the
great, built to defy all power but God Himself. All that the Prophets
prophesied unto them came to pass to the very letter. There is not a
Christian, a Jew, a "Mormon," or an infidel, or any body else, can point
to a prophecy or a revelation contained in the Bible by any man of God
sent to any of these cities but what has had its fulfillment. Babylon itself
was overthrown, and, in fact, it has been so covered by the drifting sands
of the desert that man can hardly find its foundations to-day.
I wish to say to the Church and to the gentlemen and ladies who visit
us, that we believe we are living in one of the most important genera-
tions God ever gave to man. Read the revelations of . Read the
revelations of and the other Prophets. Are they going to fall un-
fulfilled? I tell you nay! they will come to pass. I will say as one man
who has lived a considerable length of time, as men count time, that the
great change I see taking place in the world has an effect upon my mind,
because in it I see the fulfillment of these revelations of God. I lived in
, Connecticut. I received my first teachings under Dr. ,
and under Dr. , of . They were two reverend gentlemen,
learned men, and they taught according to the light and knowledge of
their day and generation. I used to have peculiar feelings, and I would
ask these gentlemen questions. Said I, "Why is it that you don't contend
for the faith once delivered to the Saints? How is it that you don't have
those gifts and graces tbat were manifest in the days of Christ and His
Apostles?" They told me that these things were given in the dark ages of
the world, to convince the children of men that Jesus was the Christ. But
said they, we are now living in the blaze of the great Gospel light, and we
don't need them. Now, I did not believe that then; I don't believe it
now. That kind of argument I could not comprehend. I agree with
Brother that whenever the Lord has a Church upon the earth,
and that Church receives the Gospel of Christ, and they enjoy the , every gift and grace that ever did belong to the Church of God be-
longs to that Church, no matter who they are nor in what age of the world
they live. These things are true to day, and have been manifest since the
organization of this Church.
We have been called and commanded of God to preach the Gospel of
Christ, or be under condemnation. The Gospel of Christ does not injure
anybody. But there is one strange thing with regard to the inhabitants
of the earth and the Church of Christ. The Apostles, Prophets and lead-
ing men in every age of the world, if they tried to live godly in Christ
Jesus, became unpopular. Even Jesus Christ, the , who came
to redeem the world, follow him from the manger to the cross, through
suffering mingled with blood, to the throne of grace, and was he popular?
No, He was not. Were the Apostles popular? They were not. The Jews
and Gentiles not only crucified the Savior, but put to death every Apostle
and every man that bore the Priesthood in that day and time, excepting
came ripened in iniquity, the Lord raised up humble, honest men to warn
kings, rulers, and those that inhabited those cities, that the judgments of
God would overtake them if they did not repent. Read the history of
, of , of , of , of , and of the
great, built to defy all power but God Himself. All that the Prophets
prophesied unto them came to pass to the very letter. There is not a
Christian, a Jew, a "Mormon," or an infidel, or any body else, can point
to a prophecy or a revelation contained in the Bible by any man of God
sent to any of these cities but what has had its fulfillment. Babylon itself
was overthrown, and, in fact, it has been so covered by the drifting sands
of the desert that man can hardly find its foundations to-day.
I wish to say to the Church and to the gentlemen and ladies who visit
us, that we believe we are living in one of the most important generations God ever gave to man. Read the revelations of . Read the
revelations of and the other Prophets. Are they going to fall unfulfilled? I tell you nay! they will come to pass. I will say as one man
who has lived a considerable length of time, as men count time, that the
great change I see taking place in the world has an effect upon my mind,
because in it I see the fulfillment of these revelations of God. I lived in
, Connecticut. I received my first teachings under Dr. ,
and under Dr. Haws, of . They were two reverend gentlemen,
learned men, and they taught according to the light and knowledge of
their day and generation. I used to have peculiar feelings, and I would
ask these gentlemen questions. Said I, "Why is it that you don't contend
for the faith once delivered to the Saints? How is it that you don't have
those gifts and graces tbat were manifest in the days of Christ and His
Apostles?" They told me that these things were given in the dark ages of
the world, to convince the children of men that Jesus was the Christ. But
said they, we are now living in the blaze of the great Gospel light, and we
don't need them. Now, I did not believe that then; I don't believe it
now. That kind of argument I could not comprehend. I agree with
Brother that whenever the Lord has a Church upon the earth,
and that Church receives the Gospel of Christ, and they enjoy the , every gift and grace that ever did belong to the Church of God belongs to that Church, no matter who they are nor in what age of the world
they live. These things are true to day, and have been manifest since the
organization of this Church.
We have been called and commanded of God to preach the Gospel of
Christ, or be under condemnation. The Gospel of Christ does not injure
anybody. But there is one strange thing with regard to the inhabitants
of the earth and the Church of Christ. The Apostles, Prophets and leading men in every age of the world, if they tried to live godly in Christ
Jesus, became unpopular. Even Jesus Christ, the , who came
to redeem the world, follow him from the manger to the cross, through
suffering mingled with blood, to the throne of grace, and was he popular?
No, He was not. Were the Apostles popular? They were not. The Jews
and Gentiles not only crucified the Savior, but put to death every Apostle
and every man that bore the Priesthood in that day and time, excepting