to Portland & while on the road we were
called to pass through a trying scene Brother Nathaniel Thomas has had two sick
children for several Days & this after
noon she began to fail they immedia-
tely stoped into a house near the village
of Westfield & the child Died [FIGURE] at 3 oclok
PM in the Town of Westfield Chatau
qua County NY, on the 5th Day of Nov
1838 We immediately removed the corps
about one mile to Westfield village to
Mr J. L Sprague's Inn whare we made
preperations for b^u^rying the dead Brother &
Sister Thomas bore this affliction
with uncomon fortiftude Distance
of the day 15 miles
~ Tuesday
Nov 6th We spent the morning in buring ClarryClara Newel Thomas who was aged
5 years 9 months & 16 days after attending to
the fun[er]al we harnessed our horses & again
proceded on our journey it was a cold morn
ing snow & mud the expens of the day was
for coffin $2 digging grave $1.00 illegible Bill $1.12
^total $4.12^ $15.45
to Portland & while on the road we were
called to pass through a trying scene Brother
Nathaniel Thomas has had two sick
children for several days & this after
noon she began to fail they immediately stoped into a house near the village
of Westfield & the Child Died [FIGURE] at 3 oclock
PM in the Town of Westfield Chatau
qua County NY. on the 5th Day of Nov
1838 We immediately removed the corps
about one mile to Westfield village to
Mr J L Sprague's Inn whare we made
preperations for burying the dead Brother &
Sister Thomas bore this affliction
with uncommon fortitude Distance
of the day 15 miles
~ Tuesday
Nov 6th We spent the morning in burying
Clara Newel Thomas who was aged
5 years 9 months & 16 days after attending to
the funeral we harnesed our horses & again
proceded on our journey it was a cold morn
ing snow & mud the expense of the day was
for coffin $2 digging grave $100 toners Bill $417the 15