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Church History Library of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints |
Collection Name | Wilford Woodruff collection, 1830-1898 |
Collection Description | Journal, 1838 October 3-1839 March 4 |
Collection Number | MS 5506 |
Collection Page | 1-46 |
Source Link | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints |
Introduction | Wilford Woodruff's discourse to Saints in Iowa Territory, from Historian's Office general Church minutes. |
Rights and Use | Copyright and Use Information |
Transcript | View Full Transcript |
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How or when we shall get to Zion the Lord ownly knows shurely the Lord is sending snows upon the Earth & that to I expect in judgment I look for a Distressing winter to come may the Lord open the way for me I pray. We travled through mud water & snow to an In 3 miles East of Elk Creek & spent the night which was freezing cold
our company is truly getting small one of my horses is vary sick for the night truly the Lord ownly can open my way to con- tinue my journey
Our whole company is much afflicted we pased Brother Thomas by the way side mending his waggon that had broke down & Brother Townsend was quite sick I had not passed this afflicted company but two miles before I was called to stop my horses for the purpose, to all appearance, to behold my wife my companion give up the ghost to brea- the her last while lying in the waggon in the midst of the street but while our two sisters stood round her bedside to behold the scene God was vary mer ciful & she again revived.
after getting my wife & things into the house & my team put out I confined myself to taking care of my wife which to human appearance is at the gates of Death she called me to her bed side in the evening & said she felt that a few moments more woul would end her existance in this life she manifested great confidence in the caus she had embraced & exhorted us to co- nfidence in God & to keep his commandm- ents & to appearance was dying but she aga in revived as on the day before I prayed with her & layd hands upon her & com mended her to God She revived & slept some during the night
Phebe is still vary feeble & low I returned to Eaton to get some necessaries for her I felt the power of the destroyer resting up[on] me in the fore part of the day In the evening Phebe for the first time during her sickness began to lay hold on faith for her recovery her faith was strong in God we laid hold of faith together repented of all our sins & confessed them before God & covenanted to keep his commandments. I had some oil that was consecrated for my anointing while in kirtland I again consecrated it before God ^for^ anointing the sick I bowed myself down before the Lord & prayed with my companion & annointed her with oil in the name of the Lord I lade my hands upon her & in the name of Jesus Christ I rebuked the fever the destroyier the deadly maldy that was preying upon her & we both obtained a blessing in so doing & acor- ding to her faith her fever left her & praised be the name of God for we will ever keep his commandments & trust in him Phebe was still weak in body but rested better than she had done prais the Lord O my soul
by the grace & mercy of God Phebe was enabled to perform the journey of the day quite comfortable I will ever praise the Lord for his mercy endureth forever
in far West Mo. perse- cution still rages in Zion many of the first Elders of the church are in Bonds & imprisionments