We travled out of the state of N. Y. into the
state of Pensylvania we passed through North East & put up for the night at
the Inn of Mr William B Dickson {an ungenerous man} distance of the Day 17 mile
~ Wednesday
7th We had a snow storm During the
night ^I fell through a horse stable on horses^ our company seemed some
Discouraged About getting along We started
on our journey & it commenced rain
ing from the NE We drove 7 miles in the mud
rain & water & wind I suffered much
travling through this beating storm we put
up for the day & night at the In of Mr
[blank] $3.00 Distance of the day 7 m
~ Thursday
8th We travled to Erie Penn from
thence to Mill Creek & put up for
the night at the Inn of Andrew
Nickelson Distance of the day through
snow squals $2.40 13 miles
~ Friday
9th A dubious looking morning
to us for the air is full of snow
& cold as a winters morning
we travled out of the state of NY into the
State of Pensylvania we passed through
North East & put up for the night at
the Inn of Mr William B Dickson's{an ungenerous man} distance of the Day 17 miles
~ Wednesday
7th We had a snow storm During the
I fell through a horse stable on horses
night our company seemed much
discouraged about getting along We started
on our journey & it commenced rain
ing from the NE We drove 7 miles in the mud
rain water & wind I suffered much
travling through this beating storm we put
up for the day & night at th Inn of Mr [blank]
$300 Distance of the day 7 m
~ Thursday
8th We travled to Erie Penn from
thence to Mill Creek & put up for
the night at the Inn of Andrew
Nickelson Distance of the day through
snow squals $240 13 miles
~ Friday
9th A dubious looking morning
to us for the air is full of Snow
& cold as a winters morning