22nd Rode to Utica from thence to Westmorland & spent the night at Mr Benj. Benjamin we had some perplexity
During the day but it Departed at night
We had some rain & vary mudy roads
Distance of the day $3.95 21 miles
~ Tuesday
23rdPhebe sent a paper home to Maine Rode to 15 miles & camped 15
~ Wednesday
24 Rode to Orwel & spent the night
myself wife & child was sick our
child was vary sick $3.75 15 miles
~ Thursday
25 Rode to SyrSarycuse from
thence to Camalious & spent the night at Benjamin Sin Sias Inn. Brother Bro-
wn broke down his hind axletree &
yesterday he broke down his fore
axletree we seem to be much
impeded in our progress we had a
hard storme of hail this day. distance
of the day 20 mil
Every News paper brings some account of
the mormons in city far west
~ Monday
22nd Rode to Utica from thence to
Westmorland & spent the night at Mr
Benj. Benjamins we had some perplecing
During the day but it Departed at night
We had some rain & vary much mud
distance of the day $395 21 miles
~ Tuesday
23st Phebe sent a paper home to
Maine Rode 15 miles & camped 15
~ Wednesday
24 Rode to Orvel & spent the nigh
myself wife & child was sick iur
eteld was vary sick $375 15 miles
~ Thursday
25 Rode to Saycuse from
thence to Camalias & spent the night at
Benjamin Sias Inn Brother Bro.
wn broke down his third axletree &
yesterday he broke down his fore
axletree we seem to be much
impeded in our progress we had a
hund storme of hail this day distance
of the day 20 mil
esay nens paper brings some account of
the mormons in lot far west