26th this was a trying day to me I
broke open my barrel Phebe was
much tried we travled to Senate
to spent the night at Mr Sunderland
our babe vary sick dista[nce] 10 miles
~ Saturday
27th We have troublesome times
in the camp several of the children are
vary sick one of brother Thomas's children
is at the point of death we travel slow
& have many hindirences & many
trials probably in consequence of disobe-
diance may the Lord have mercy
upon us & forgive all our sins We
travled to the free Bridge road we crossed the
bridge & camped 2 miles west of it We
had a vary bad road about 4 miles
near the free bridge Distance of the
Day 12 miles
~ Sunday
28th Sunday We travled through Phelps a beautiful township of
land also through Vienna to Manchester & spent the night at
~ Friday
26th This was a trying day to me I
broke open my barrel Phebe was
much tried we travled to Lenete
to spent the night at Mr Sundeland
our babe vary sick dste 10 miles
~ Saturday
27th We have troublesome times
in the camp several of the children are
vary sick one of brother Thomas children
is at the point of death we travel slow
& have many hindrences & many
trials probably in consequence of disobe
diance may the Lord have mercy
upon us & forgive all our sins we
travled to the free Bridge road we crossed the
bridge & camped 2 miles west of it We
had a vary bad road about 4 miles
near the free bridge Distance of the
Day 12 miles
~ Sunday
28th Sunday We travled through
Phelps a beautiful township of
land also through Philomen to
Manchester & spent the night at