25th Sunday we spent the day at the
In[n] resting ourselves & beasts we have
had several days of warm plesent wether
& roads good but this morning it
snows some & is cold Mrs. Woodruff
is quite unwell I wrote a letter to
Brother Asahel H Woodruff at Terre
Haute Expenses $2.00
~ Monday
26 We continued our journey together
we had not proceded far before Broth Townsend broke his axletree we
soon mended it & went on We stayed
in Columbus the capital of Ohio
this is the first I ever visited this
place here we came on to the
National from Columbus we
continued our course west
on the National road 9 miles &
put up for the night at the
National Hotel distance 20 miles
~ Sunday
25th Sunday we spent the day at the
Inn resting ourselves & beasts we have
had several days of warm plesent weather
& roads good but this morning it
snows some & is cold Mrs Woodruff
is quite unwell I wrote a letter to
Brother Asahel H Woodruff at Terre
Haute expenses $200
~ Monday
26 We continued our journey together
we had not proceded for before Brother
Townsens broke his axletree we
soon mended it & went on we stayd
in Columbus the capital of Ohio
this is the first I ever visited this
place here we came on to the
National from Columbus we
continued our course west
on the National road 9 miles &
put up for the night at the
National Hotel distance 20 miles