Oct 7th Sunday We spent the day at father Holmes I met in council with Elders Nathaniel
Holmes Milton Holmes & James Townsend
in the morning We next met all the male
members of the camp & organized ourselfs
into a company that we might have order
in our camp. I was chosen as their leader
Elder M. Holmes as comesary & councellor
Mr Ebenezar Carver as assistant our coun-
cil was W. Woodruff M. Holmes Nathaniel Thomas
& E. Carver. after aranging & organizing the
company we then met with all the saints
& I once more was permitted to break
bread unto them & commune together. I
accompanied Elder Holmes in the eve-
ning to visit Sister Dow who had fallen
& injured her hip & we prayed with her
& lade hands upon her we returned
to Mr Samuel Holmes & spent the night 4 miles
~ Monday
8th We took the parting hand with Elder Nathaniel Holmes family & again started
~ Sunday
Oct 7th Sunday we spent the day at Fathe
Holmes I met in council with Elders Nathanl
Holmes Milton Holmes & James Townsend
in the morning we next met all the male
members of the camp & organized ourselfs
into a company that we might have order
in our camp. I was chosen as their leadr
Elder M. Holmes as comesary
Mr Ebenezar Carver as assistant our coun
cil was W. Woodruff M. Holmes N. Thomas
& E Carver. after arangind & organizing the
company we then met with all the saints
& I once more was permitted to break
bread unto them & commune together. I
accompanied Elder Holmes in the even
ing to visit Sister Dow who had fallen
& injured her hip & we prayed with her
& lade hands upon her then we returned
to Mr Samuel Holmes & spent the night 4 miles
~ Monday
8th We took the parting hand with Elder
Nathaniel Holmes & family & again started
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