30 We travled to Avon to Laroy &
to the center of Stafford & spent the
night at the Inn We had quite a sno
snow storm in the afternoon
Distance of the day 26 miles
~ Wednesday
31st A cold winters Day snow 2 inch
deep our horses dragged the waggons
through the mud & water all day
we passed through Batavia & Bushville & spent the night at
the In of Nathan Staye 21 m[iles]
the house of Joseph Sawyer with
in six miles of Palmira whare the
Book of Mormon was found Dist
of the day 20 miles
~ Monday
29th A cold day we had some snow
our babe was still sick. We rode to
Canandagua to East & West
Broomfield to Lima & spent
the night at MCBlresh Inn
Distance of the day 25 miles
~ Tuesday
30 we travled to Avon to Laroy &
to the center of Stafford & spent the
night at the Inn We had quite a Lot
Snow Storm in the afternoon
Distance of the day 26 miles
~ Wednesday
31st A cold winter's Say snow 2 inch
deep our horses draged the waggons
through the mud & water all day
we passed through Batavia &
Richville & spent the night at
the In of Nathan Staye 21m