brethren in this time of monied scarcity, and for-
ward the same to us by brother , or your
own agent, in company with him, or otherwise,
and at other times, we will pay you for those
goods, in lands, in or out of the city, in houses,
cattle, and such kind of property as you may
need; and with those goods we will purchase
lands, &c., flour, meat, and all things necessary
for a sea voyage, which can be had cheaper here
than in , and charter ships, and forward
the same to England, or such places as emigration
may require, and bring back in return a ship
load of emigrants, at a cheaper rate than
they can now emigrate; while, at the same
time, those who remain can continue to collect
and forward merchandize as before, which will
give us the means of continuing our purchases
here, of keeping ships passing and repassing, and
of building manufacturing establishments, ready
for the brethren when they arrive in our midst.
While the great depression of the moneyed
institutions continues as it now is, the people are
compelled to resort to all laudable measures to
effect those exchanges of property which are
necessary to accomplish their designs in remov-
ing from one place to another, and from one
kingdom to another; and by a faithful execution
of the plans proposed above, much, very much,
may be effected in emigration without the aid of
cash, or with very little, at the most: and goods
may be obtained to advantage for houses and
lands which the brethren may have to dispose of,
and in payment of debts due them, when it
would be impossible for them to sell for cash at
any price, or get their pay for debts due them
even at a great discount, and thus thousands and
tens of thousands may be made to rejoice in this
land of plenty, while were it not for a concert of
action, they might remain where they are for
years, or never have the opportunity of appearing
among us on this side the great waters, until the
morning of the first resurrection.
But, brethren, we want to see you here! We
long to see all here who want to be here, and none
others, for we desire the increase of those who
love God and work righteousness, that Zion`s
cords may be lengthened, and her stakes strength-
ened; though the country is free to all who will
abide her laws, and we have no disposition to
cast out any from our midst who will submit
For many particulars in relation to the times
and course of emigration, and many other impor-
tant items connected with the general and parti-
cular interests of the , we would refer you
to our former Epistles, and to enter into a parti-
cular and minute detail of all items referred to in
this Epistle, would be impossible. Brother
Snyder will enter into the subject more minutely,
and with the assistance of the presidency among
you, will unfold the subject, so that no one need
The brethren need not suppose that this thing
is of our own imagination, simply; or that the
result thereof, if fully carried into execution, will
be of doubtful character. We have been guided
by the Spirit of the Lord in our deliberations con-
cerning the matter; and have been instructed by
the Prophet of the Most High, even , the
Seer and Revelator for the Church, whose in-
structions to us are as the voice of the Lord, and
whose admonitions we ever regard as true and
faithful, and worthy the confidence of all who
profess the gospel of Jesus Christ.
We have been with him in prosperity and ad-
versity, in sickness and health, in public and pri-
vate, in all situations where men may reasonably
associate with each other, and know that his
words are true, his teachings sacred, his character
unsullied among men of truth, and that he is
what the Church acknowledge him to be, a man of
God, and the spokesman of the Most High unto
his people: and we bear this testimony unto the
world, calling on all the honest in heart to uphold
him by their faith and prayers, that he may live
long, enjoy much, and accomplish great things
for the kingdom which he has been the honored
instrument of establishing on the earth in these
last days, even that he may lead a great multitude
into the celestial kingdom.
That the may enjoy the teachings of the
Prophet; those teachings which can be had only
at this place, so that they may go on from know-
ledge to knowledge even to perfection, they want
to come up hither; and that the plans before sug-
gested may be facilitated, let some individuals of
capital come immediately and build factories; in-
dividuals who have the means, understand the
business, and are capable of superintending the
concerns thereof.
There is every natural advantage at this place
for facilitating such an order of things; water,
wood and coal in abundance, and it only wants
the hand of the laborer to bring them forth in
form suited to their several uses; and, while the
gold and the silver is secreted by the hands of
unprincipled speculators, let us go forward and
accomplish without gold or silver, that which
might be more easily and expediciously done
Let the brethren ever remember the admoni-
tions we have so often given, that Zion is not to
be built up without labor, fatigue, and trial of the
faith of many: that when saw the great